Lie in

The night was chilly. Due to the rain, we were wrapped up and in bed early. T under a cosy fleecy blanket, me wrapped up in various swimming towels and H on her own fleece. I felt a bit like a dog without the hot to prefix it. There was nothing hot about my night.

In fact our little cabin felt quite crowded – with H and myself and T and quite a few other characters . Ants etc and mosquitoes. I kept finding tawny coloured, minute ants making their way across my pillow. And there were various itches to deal with. 

My ankle was pleased not to be working any more. 

H had turned her nose up at her supper, but it went to a good cause in the night because her bowl was empty by the morning. The identity of the good cause is a mystery. The food I brought with me from the U.K. is all but gone. 

I’m ashamed to say that H and I missed out on the doggy walk. I was awake intermittently through the night and finally woke around 07.00. I knew Chris would be out there somewhere, but didn’t want to risk the ankle. Apparently it was a good walk with Sasha and Isabella swimming and ball chasing.

However the ankle has been fairly reliable all day, so I have no excuse tomorrow. Chris tells me that Luis and his green flasher were waiting in vain, somewhere on the beach, near the bar. Standing Luis up is a serious offence! It was odd making coffee not having walked. I felt I didn’t deserve it. 

I established that Chris had not received my request for blankets last night. But Bona did this morning. We have two chunky warm blankets now. 

I did some washing using T’s cheap shower gel in the absence of clothes washing liquid/capsules etc. That was fun (not) . There were a number of clothes that T has recycled a few times … recycled in the sense that he has worn them, packed them away and worn them again. Now they have had a shower at least they smell better. 

I also got H out and about for a quick walk before we left to meet Anne.

I made contact with Anne who had had a tricky, delayed flight ( the wrong baggage handlers) and her car hire was not straight forward either. Same old, same old, credit card requirements. So she arrived quite late yesterday – in the rain. But she had bounced back after a Libyan Princess brekkie and joined us for lunch at Methexis. 

View from the restaurant
Spot the Croc

Today was complete contrast to yesterday – warm and sunny. But my mind was not set on swimming. The weekend seems not as busy as last weekend, fewer Greek weekenders it seems to me. Quieter. The restaurant is less busy and there are fewer enticing cooking smells early in the day.

The deliciousness of smells from the kitchen used to drive me potty at breakfast time.

Maria collared me to warn me that the weird American lady, who was here a few days ago, had rung 4 times asking for my contact details and asking if I was on Watts-app. I’m sure Maria will be very protective of my details. She was one weird lady. I don’t want her to have my details. Maria knows this and has perfect understanding.

I have the same difficulty today as I had earlier in the week, when we ate early. T and his sundowning – or early evening restlessness, going round and round in circles, organising nothing, but leaving me wondering where things will end up. Possessions, that sort of thing. Biscuit packets, rusks, nibbles, wet wipes etc are now standing to attention on top of the fridge.

Having removed the trapezium- shaped privacy covers from the windows early in the day, T is spending his evening time trying to get them back in the right place. Amidst much muttering. It is not easy for him when his sight is not so good. It would be even easier if he did not move them in the first place.

Reinforcing the windows

I also got H out for a short evening stroll – it was breezy and felt cool enough. The beach was devoid of people except for a few local children, including Bona’s boys.

We were in bed early, around 21.00, partly to avoid being eaten alive…complete with blankets. I expect I will be ready to party at midders. But hey… I am not cold!

Thought for the Day






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