Today has been difficult, I have really struggled. Rapidly downhill is how the day went. From this:

To this:

Surprisingly, I was up and out quite quickly and even had a few minutes to sit around in case a green flashing light headed my way. But Chris had other plans for Luis this morning. Like a plan involving a lead.
I set off just before 07.00 and almost straight away tripped over a root by Mr ABB’s bar. I found myself splayed in the sand struggling to get up. Third attempt lucky! My feet kept slipping in the sand unable to gain purchase. Needles appeared to be stabbing my new knees. Every time I got myself nearly upright, the wobbles took over.
Someone had to walk H, so I ambled off towards the promontory to be greeted by Isabella at great speed, with the others warm on her heels.
We made it to the end of promontory, discussed the blackness out at sea, rain drops in the wind and returned.
Warm is not a word I associate with today. Utterly freezing might be more apt from the moment I got back from the walk. I rolled myself up in towels etc in an attempt to warm up. Fell asleep. Woke up cold. We have no blankets.
Thought I might as well swim after the fall to soften up any damage and warm up. Ha ha. The water was quite pleasant, not cold, but nobody else seemed to share my feelings. The ocean was mine apart from a few fish.
Then, just as it started raining seriously, T and I set off for Azogires. There were few people there, but we had a pleasant chat with Lucky’s current work person. And wandered up the hill towards the contractors.

It was only at this point, I realised that serious pain meant there was damage to my ankle, probably as a result of the fall. And I had incipient frostbite in my fingers, toes and nose. It was all a bit overwhelming.
Slowly, slowly back to Palaiochora we drove, where we had a snack at the Waterfront and watched the rain pour down, whilst the clouds obscured the mountains. We chatted to other people and they were polite enough to respond. And one lady commented as I hobbled to the loo.

I was now even colder. I thought – we will need blankets tonight.
This is where a husband can be useful. One who can remember and who can go on a mission to obtain such items. My ankle was too painful to allow me to go trailing round the campsite hunting down a source of blankets. It was bad enough getting from the car to the cabin.
My request for warmth has yielded no response. I am quite disappointed that campsite management have not bothered to think that people in cabins might need more than a sheet in the face of the misery of the prevailing conditions. It’s quite upsetting really.
T has a fleecy blanket we brought with us. Perhaps H will let me use hers.
Anne has arrived but between the cold, the rain, the dark, and my injury, I declined a get together tonight.
It has been a very difficult day with little communication apart from with T. He has tried, bless him, but … This is not a complaint, just a comment.
I always knew the trip would be hardwork. I was under no illusions. Been there, done that too many times.
I am frozen in bed at 20.00. To think we used the fan last night!
Thought for the Day

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