Fluffy Tails and all that

I didn’t really want to get up this morning. But I did. I spotted a familiar low-lying, green, flashing light weaving its way amongst the bushes or tables beside the bar. Goodness, I thought, Luis is up and out here early. It was indeed Luis, a very wet Luis, who accompanied us towards the promontory.

Chris was on his way back with the gang so turned around and went back whence he had just come, via the rocks, whilst I huffed and puffed my way along more conventional tracks. We examined the clouds, watched the dogs and Chris returned as he had a load of things requiring his attention.

The clouds over the mountains were quite exciting and ‘dirty’ looking. Shortly afterwards, I received a text from Tina reporting rain in Chania.

I eyed up he sea which was calm and inviting. So I secured H to her long lead, back at the cabin, and went for a swim. It was around 08.00.

The water was warmer than the outside air. My snorkel was cooperating for once and I was lost in my own thoughts. Only to be disturbed by a fluffy black shadow trotting along the shore line and looking very pleased with herself. Tail wagging.

Now how did she (H) get out? When I examined her long lead, the clip was still closed. Another mystery.

The mysterious neighbours from the cabin next door had emerged by 10.00, this morning, complete with white dog. And they came and went a bit and I’m not sure whether the ‘went’ bit was final.

My swim was not as long as I intended, thanks to H’s appearance. 

I still felt very tired. T was so tired that he only just managed to lift his head and open his mouth to receive his daily offering – then he curled up again.  

I lay in one of the chairs and contemplated the skies above.  I did this for quite a while. Some of my contemplation was in conjunction with deep meditation. I also contemplated another swim, but my swim things were still wet and my energy levels were very low. 

Nuts were on the menu for lunch. It was to be a very light nutty lunch as we were going to Anydri at 17.00 for our main meal. With our Swedish and German friends. And Chris. 

This was a really nice occasion and darkness fell as we chattered. Sascha has a very good way with him and deals with Tony so kindly and with great humour. In fact, this whole group of friends all go out of their way to be inclusive and understanding. I am very fortunate. We both are. The benefits to me of hearing sensible conversation cannot be over estimated. 

Erika was describing trials of trying to obtain appropriate social care in Sweden and Sascha was trying to explain German bureaucracy in dealing with Ukrainians. It all sounded so familiar. 

l am so lucky to have these people
as friends

Darkness fell and it was time to depart. 

Palaiochora was heaving with people wandering, with a certain disregard, along the streets. And I needed a few items of shopping to avoid going out in the early morning. We drove to Blisidis where I was welcomed as an old friend, by the boss man. And I could park. They had most of the things I needed, except 0beer. And nowhere have I found a larger plastic coffee filter. Filter papers, yes, maybe the plastic bits are all the same size.

Walking back through the camping in the dark caused a frisson of fear of tripping. H was fed and enjoyed her pasta carbonara mixed with her last but one dose of Leishguard. 

My things are in a muddle for the morning. But I guess I will get there in the end.

Thought for the Day 






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