Curious Incidents of the dogs in the Night Time

The night passed peacefully until around 05.00 when I felt the need to arise from the bed, sadly, knowing that I would not have much longer in it. 06.00 is get up and get going time.

I was surprised to see light thrown from the cabin next door onto the ground outside. I had not realised anyone was staying there.

As I got dressed, H grew restless and from the darkness loomed another dog, a loose dog, a white one, followed by its owner. They headed for the next door cabin. And over the next few moments gathered up lightweight luggage and melted away into the darkness.

H and I progressed towards the loos, where yet another family was up and moving around. Also with a loose dog. I thought they were meant to be tied up here! It was not yet 06.30. What were they all up to?

On the promontory this morning.
Sunrise over Palaiochora

I must have been a little later going today and there were no dogs to cross my path as we headed towards the promontory. Well, I tell a lie, a flashing green pinpoint light indicated there was one low- lying little brown dog. Luis. He greeted us in happy fashion and followed us up to the end of the promontory. 

We were just arriving when Isabella rocketed out of nowhere with her sidekick, Sasha, following her. Chris threw the ball. H and Luis watched. Isabella bounded after it followed by Sasha. These two hurtled around a bit, we adults did sensible things and discussed the cloud formations, and then we went our separate ways. I captured a few images on the way back. 

Chris had pointed out some anvil clouds signifying the presence of storms. There were storms to the south and those of us with good hearing could make out thunder.

Looking west
Looking towards Grammeno Beach

Luis trotted at speed after Chris and the other two. Or so I thought. And I think Chris thought the same. 

As we were just about home, a little brown dog reappeared out of nowhere. Luis had obviously had a change of direction. I secured him to a piece of furniture and we kept him for most of the day. I notified Chris of Luis’ whereabouts. 

H is very tolerant of Luis but they can be a bit barky together. It might be a pigeon, a cat or even people that set them going. 

I took a longer swim to the other side of Houmas and the water was wonderfully clear and calm. Lot of fish etc etc. The dogs were in charge of T. 

T had a bit of a walkabout the camping after a trip to the loo and he confessed to having been utterly lost. Aim for the sea is my advice. 

I did a small amount of washing involving smalls. And generally lazed around thereafter. 

Anne will be here on Friday. Tomorrow afternoon we are off to Anydri for a meal with J and E, Chris and Sascha and Steffi. 

I will need to do a bit of shopping to replenish what we have eaten over the last couple of days. Which has not been a lot. 

We will eat at the bar/ restaurant again tonight. It will be closing for the end of the season soon. 

The storm to the south of us
Camping clutter
Early evening clouds

I had assumed that the couple in the cabin next to us, who left so early this morning, at 06.30, had left for good. However, as we passed that cabin this evening their dog appeared at the window and barked at us. I don’t recall seeing any humans there all day … unless when I was swimming. Does that mean this little, silent, white creature has been shut in there since 06.40? And it is 21.23 now?
Perhaps I dreamt it.

It leaves me wondering… were they doing Samaria or similar…will they be back later. or did I just miss them?

Thought for the Day

Thought for the Day






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