Happy Birthday Fleur!

15 at last! Many Happy returns to Fleur. .

The night passed with little disturbance of which I was aware. But I suspect there may have been goings on  of which I was unaware.  

I was awake again around 05.00

Which was a nuisance as I didn’t really want to be awake before 06.00.  

It was around then I arose and H and I made our trek to the loo and then found some clothes.  My habit is to dress outside the cabin, in the dark. 

And off we went, meeting Chris with the full gang in the car park.  No scraps today! We visited the end of the promontory, taking in the early sights.  The sea had calmed down. 


I found a little brown dog following us all the way to the campsite, into Heidi’s bowls and then under the table.  Two of them now.  Luis seems to be developing an attachment…

Two dogs

There was some tending to T, the walk of shame with the bog bucket, to empty and rinse, a lovely peaceful swim.  And then a dash into the big smoke because the cabin and fridge  were seriously empty of nibbles for T.  

The sea felt a bit cooler than yesterday, but still lovely for swimming. My snorkel is still not cooperating very well and keeps inviting water in. And my mask keeps steaming up. Perhaps I should invest in better equipment – then I can blame more tools.

Parking was tricky. So Synka received our custom, not that I invested much. Rusks, 0beer, milk, grapes, a couple of tomatoes and cucs.  Cheese. The   Petrakis area was swamped by parents and children leaving school. Double parking – plenty of it already.

I ignored T asking for coffee, and we beat it back to get the cold items into the fridge.  

There and then I made a snack lunch, using up much of what I bought.  Perfect! 

A snooze hung over us and by the time that was over and done with, Chris pooped by with his NAAFI tin for his evening meal.  He gets one provided by the kitchen every day which must be great- it means variety, no preparation, not much clearing up, just sit and eat. We chatted awhile and he disappeared to eat his treats. 

We repaired to the bar restaurant where we ate well – not beans for a change! Aubergines may have featured.

Nearly sunset
Later Sunset

And we were in bed by 21.00 and asleep soon after. Until this morning arrived.

When there was the curious incident of the dog in the night time… but that is a tale for tomorrow.

Thought for the Day

Fleur’s Cretan Orange Birthday cake






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