Monday – A Funeral

RIP – Elizabeth II… today you are to be laid to rest following a very large state funeral – possibly the largest ever held.

I was awake at around 05.00 and drifted in and out of sleep until 06.00, when I got up and carried out a few fiddly chores, such as are possible in the dark and at a campsite.

It was a much better night last night, and I hope it signals that T is becoming more settled.  

Heidi followed me on a loo visit that became urgent before the walk.  I blame beans.  

A 6.00 start to the day gave me more time to get my self organised and more time to dawdle onto the promontory. 

Chris and the full gang were still out there, as we soon found  out. A collection of pinpoint fireworks scattered across the sand heading towards me. Flashing collars.   So Chris merely tuned round and we staggered to the open area at the tip of promontory.  Correction – I staggered.  

From our cabin
About 10 minutes before leaving for walk
Ten minutes later and we were off
6 minutes later from ABB

H and Obi her Daddy
Sundry dogs

There was another little doggy outburst but between Sasha and  Fido, this time. I think H has disturbed the equilibrium a bit.  

We returned in one piece more or less. I tended to T’s knees, or maybe his needs, and contemplated the sea which was wind whipped, with huge breakers.  I was not up for swimming in it. 

Back at the cabin, we found T awake and ready for his early coffee and then I generally mooched around until I was disturbed by the American lady -Alain- (yes spelt correctly) who invited herself to sit beside me and witter and smoke at around 08.00. This is my time, my space and I didn’t really want to make polite conversation with a relative stranger. 

She had to go and sort her bill out – and thereby hangs a tail / tale that would take too long and be too boring to retell. Save to say they managed to find a member of staff to remove her to Palaiochora . She appeared to have run out of money to pay for the bus. 

I went for a swim in a quieter sea, where the breakers were separated by a few seconds of calm. I was a bit worried (rightly) about my ability to keep my balance as I left the sea, so explored the waters’ edge, to discover that exiting beyond Delino’s restaurant was best. And easiest. It was a very nice swim though the fine sand was a bit stirred up, so the water was not as clear as the other day.

By now. I was feeling quite peckish. 

T had been despatched to the shower, (I think it was his first in 4 days) and managed to find his way back again, with both towels, but minus the shower gel etc. 

Chris came for a chat. And then retrieved the shower gel and closed the shower door properly. Memo to self keep an eye on showers after T has finished.

I think he can just about find his way to and from the loos now. The newer showers are in the same place, which helps. I had quite deliberately not given him my new shower gel, gifted by Ali.

The Queen’s funeral was taking place and I watched bits and pieces on Sky. BBC were unrelenting in their rules abouti not transmitting abroad. 

We ate lunch today – at the Bar/ restaurant. Gigantes -the best ever! And green beans too and squid. Dimitris has offered us a free ice cream but we keep being too full to want to eat any. It will keep. 

Our neighbours are speaking a very strange version of French- or I should say, French with a very odd accent. Quite a crude accent – with overtones from another part of the world. Africa or Caribbean maybe.

Beach is busy today
While the dog’s asleep

Brave beasts will play

T spent a chunk of the day fussing over a small pink zippy clutch bag of mine – it was outside- containing important things like the remote control for a TV at home … nail clippers, perfume, toothpaste, teepes etc. And most importantly the stuff I squirt up my nose at night when I am awoken by a congested nostril. I knew I should have put it inside myself. Grr.

He just wouldn’t shut up about it. About someone stealing it. To shut him up – put it on my bed, I said. Ha ha. As if! It is now missing etc.

T has been very very difficult this evening. Sundowning, fidgeting, restless, not leaving anything alone. The latest gadget he found to fiddle wuth was the cabin fire extinguisher. Apart from discontent over my missing bag, he keeps moving my things around. So, for example, I put things out for the morning, so I am organised, and then they are not there. He demands to know why they need to be there and moves them to places of his choosing which does not help me!

We still have two yellow trugs and I have a cunning plan to ask Chris to let me use one as a dumping ground for these items that I do not want him to him to have contact with. And I shall place it in a far corner of our cabin.

The bog bucket has been tidied away so it is inaccessible but I will remedy that.

I think it is probably better that we eat in the evening in future and it might eliminate this ghastliness.

His mood did improve as the evening progressed, maybe it will end like yesterday. Yes – a better ending where we sat around chatting.

Tina phoned in she seems to be having trouble with her phone and lap top. So communications are on a bit of a hold.

But the most exciting news of all – Ali has ordered our new bed frames!

And Fleur will be 15 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Fleur. I believe her choice of cake is Cretan orange cake.

Thought for the Day

Sad image

Except Frankie interpreted it with a difference






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