Hot and Humid Sunday

I had another disturbed night with T’s comings and goings… but I had found the carefully positioned fan that I had not noticed the day before. This made the whole night more pleasant as its gentle and cooling airflow wrapped itself around us.

So the day dawned warm. I did a bit better than yesterday as far as getting ready for the walk was concerned. I had a head torch which I did not need because H did not escape. I had the lead and shoes ready and swimming things. But not goggles.

However the wind had roughed up the sea, so swimming, early, or even later, was not really on the list.

By the time I was out of the camping gates, it was around 06.45.

We were just crossing the car park when I noticed a black doggy shape exploring Mr ABB’s sunbeds and I wondered if it might be Iera. But it was not. It was Isabella or Sasha.

It was Isabella who bounded across the car park to cut me off. She was joined soon afterwards by a motley connection of canine creatures large and small. Mostly with waggy tails – the old gang. Everyone (including Heidi ) seemed quite pleased to see each other until some scrap broke out where poor old Obi seemed to be the target.

Heidi and I wandered on up the promontory whilst Chris returned most of the pack. I heard a little noise behind us to find little Luis following us. Little, because he is a little smaller than a year ago. And he is little anyway. I was touched by his attention and decided that he had worked out that I walk at a very slow pace, which suited him. But he had not worked out that following me would also lengthen his walk. Although I was later told that he often takes a second walk .

H and Isabella
Heidi, Little Luis and a finger

Isabella caught up with us for the second time that morning, followed by Sasha and then Chris. We chatted. They panted. And then we returned. H sloped off for a paddle in the calmer waters of Alonaki beach. 

It was a bit too windy for me for a swim. T and I spent some time chatting to a cling-on from elsewhere in the world. Slightly strange person, particularly in her expectations of her accommodation. Pleasant. Smoker though, so with no sense of it not being a good idea to smoke near others. Even outdoors, I don’t like it.

A game of Jenga followed. I’m not quite sure if T has correct grasp of the rules. 

Despite the breeze, I have found today very warm and have felt quite tired. The camping has been busy. 
But as I type this evening, a silence has descended and people are few and far between.

Cheers – it’s water!

Beans and vlita at camping restaurant

I woke just after midnight to deal with an annoying blocked nose. Texts reminded me that I have a totally crazy family. The Illis are going to London, now, at this moment, as I type, convinced the Queen will not rest happy if they have not been present.
They explored London by moonlight capturing pictures of all the important places – Big Ben and Buck House. And a fox. And Dave. And returned home.

Chris has fixed for me, a personal Internet connection at our cabin, which is a huge improvement. So thank you very much for that!

Thought for the Day

Who would have thought it! Did she really say that?






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