Sailing to Patra

This morning dawned a bit cloudy – T hadn’t been very well in the night.  I put it down to the alcoholic beer, all .6L of it. Digestive troubles.  It was very unsettling for me, more so for him.  There was also the constant and annoying sound of running water which turned out to be the toilet going off on one and it was easily sorted.  But by morning T had forgotten his indisposition.   We were also mildly disturbed by biting creatures.  Not on the scale of the other night.  This lot were quite half hearted in comparison. So, all in all, not the best of nights.  

I arose before 07.00 and sorted out some items to take on the boat and put them in carrier bags.  H has her own carrier. And then I took the two wheelie bags and H down to the car.  That was an interesting little trip! I didn’t want T fiddling  with the packing, so at least, this way, by removing most of his possessions, I hoped to have avoided some potential friction. 

H and I had a pleasant walk to the doggy  beach where H headed straight for the sea. 

When I returned, T had showered and repacked the carrier bags, muddling things up, and his packing included, at the bottom of the bag, the towels belonging  to the hotel. Doh! Glad I looked. 

We ate brekkie, gathered up H, squashed things into the car and left.  Bye bye Pesaro. And we even checked out and paid up.  

The journey to Ancona took just over  an hour.  I was mindful of the last occasion, three years ago,  when we developed a slow puncture on the way. And then having squirted something into the tyre to enable us to travel, I missed the turn for the port. I was very tense. The tyre just about held up until we arrived in Patra, where it was replaced. 

A smoother trip this time, except having checked in, I missed the signs for the embarkation area and we had an extra detour there by way of Ancona town. The people in charge of signage in this part of town seemed to have assumed that no one would be heading for the port. Signs? Ha ha!

We chatted to a nice German who had two very young children. They were to spend a month on the Péloponnèse. He was a fan of Boris though he conceded he didn’t like his politics, just the humour he brought to the job. I felt like that about him once when he was London Mayor.  

We had eventually made it quayside,  and, unlike previous occasions,  were soon on the boat. My admiration for the skill of the lorry drivers  as they reverse their monsters into the boat is infinite. 

After settling into the cabin and eating the grapes and taking a snooze, it was time to take H for a comfort break. We reacquainted ourselves with the various levels and decks on the boat.  H didn’t make good use of her opportunity, I don’t think she liked the wind. 

The sun/pool deck was filthy. It upsets me to think my dog has to lie somewhere so filthy. In fact this SuperFast ferry is beginning to show its age and take after ANEK scruffy ferries.  I noticed the cabin window was rusted to hold it in place.  They used to keep the decks clean on this boat.  Not anymore  it seems. 

Disgusting deck- they used to be hosed regularly. 

I’m not sure if it is for a private group or party,  but there is live music from a certain era (1940s I think) and people are dancing in the late afternoon sun. Definitely a private group because they got food too.  

True to form, the lorry drivers are having a good shout at each other, surrounded by bottles, emptied of their contents.  Many alcoholic ones. 

Upon returning to the cabin,  I found my palms of my hands were black from holding external hand rails. Did I mention this boat is filthy?  I noticed the glass  doors to and from the pool deck  are opaque with grime.  Inside it’s fine. A clean up would be good. 

We had a meal in the self service restaurant. Fasolakia!

They were very tasty too. 

We returned to the cabin to escape people and noise.  H had another walk but her legs were still firmly crossed.  This is not unusual for her on a ferry crossing. 

And I was asleep before long. On and off through the night I slept.  It is those tabs again. 

Update – Thursday at 05.50.  All is silent.  It’s still dark.  We must be due to arrive at Igoumenitsa soon. (Port in Northern Greece) Some people will disembark here so the stop is normally about 30 mins.  

I have just taken little H for a wander and we have liquid success.  And she dropped a prune. At least she must be more comfortable. 

I’m not sure what time we dock at Patra. Around 14.00 I think. 

Scrappy blog copied and pasted on Olympic Highway. We are in Hreece!






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