Waking up in the Recovery Room


Last night I had most of my tabs open again. So when it was time to get up, I felt terrible. I spent some of my wakeful moments sorting out accommodation for the next four nights.

At Pesaro, where we enjoy staying, Baia Flaminia was full tonight, so we are staying near Imola of raving circuit fame. Or possibly racing circuit fame.

Today’s drive was far less stressful than yesterday, mostly due to only having two exchanges with a toll booth. One for a ticket and one to pay for the ticket. I thought actual money might make things easier for T , to no avail, because his sight is so poor, he can’t work out where the slot is to insert the notes/ cash. And, once located, he can’t get it in there between the pursed lips of FBL, or sometimes GBL. (Flashing Blue Light, or sometimes, his friend Flashing Green Light is on duty) It is always my fault because I have positioned the car too close / too far from the payment slots. Too far and he can’t reach, too close and I can’t get near to sort it out. Meanwhile a queue builds up behind us. I no longer care. Nor do I care about the altercation between FBL and T.

This altercation becomes increasingly frantic as FBL barks instructions, at increasing volume, usefully in Italian at T. It wants a bank card. He gets increasingly cross in response. I exit the car to try and sort things out, reluctant to give him a card. H decides to help, but realises she can’t.

He was getting more and more frustrated and, as usual, blaming me for parking too close or too far away from the slots. T is losing his polite behaviour ’filter’ more and more, which coupled with lack of insight into his condition, and denial makes him harder to handle. Though general public usually see reasonable, if odd, behaviour, unless you are in Tesco’s when murderous threats may be issued, involving naughty words.

Once FBL fecided we should be released, we were off. Todays’s drive across the North Italian plain was as boring as it always is. But for a change, it was hot and sunny. I have driven it in torrential rain in the past, and more than once.

We stopped in an aire de repos because I was feeling sleepy. Everything was peaceful and quiet until 4 blokes, with no voice volume control, decided to appropriate half of the picnic table. I made clear my feelings on the cigarette smoke that was drifting my way. Not that they took any notice, T was wandering around picking up sticks and stones and leafy branches.

These 4 considerate louts decided to shout at each other, greek style, and puff filthy smoke my way as they delicately prepared their panini and sliced their way through a slab of salami . They got their way, as I had had enough of their crude behaviour and I wandered off to find the loo.

It was such a peaceful place to stop when we arrived.
Well the loo was locked. So I would have to postpone that activity. T, meanwhile found a useful bush, which also provided him with a big stick and leaves to clutter the car.

One of the crude louts took himself about 1 metre from the picnic table to peeform the same function. Nice. But I wasn’t there. Thank goodness. Good typo that.

The hotel was very close to the motorway, with a lovely large room and a jacuzzi bath. I had emailed them to make sure we would be either on the ground floor, or would have easy lift access. I had worked out that some rooms might not. They confirmed my request and our room was huge and on floor 3.

I took a shower and we relaxed. I fell fast asleep, waking suddenly with a bang, as you do after an operation. It took me a while to surface and reconnect with my surroundings. It was around 19.00 and we were scheduled to have dinner at 20.00. And H would need to peeform.

We trundled her to the lift and downstairs. Upon our return, the lift was not cooperating with our requests for its presence. People coming down the stairs said it was not working. A veil of horror descended.

I simultaneously became Victor Meldrew (I don’t believe it!)and John McEnroe (You cannot be serious!) . We summoned reception who sent a ’boy’ to sort it out. It was beyond his pay grade or job description. More senior staff appeared. and we stood around with H feeling more hungry by the minute.

T didn’t really take in what was going on. H again offered her services, but was rejected. But the evening was unfolding in my mind. 3 double flights of stairs to reach our room?

Really? Yes, really…

A life belt plopped down – dogs are allowed in the dining room. The three of us headed in that direction.
I didn’t realise, but we were really at a wedding redemption. Or reception.

We had a wonderful meal. T had vongole pasta. I had mixed fish and we shared aubergine and courgette chips. I finished off with a semifreddo tiramisu concoction which was delicious. H behaved impeccably.

No no alcohol beer. Again.

By the time the meal was finished, we were ready for bed. And the lift was definitely out of action. Floor 3 and our room was 3 double flights of stairs beyond us.

It was a long slow climb. Doubtless very good for us. Just the activity required on full stomachs. Two new knees, one asthmatic and Alzheimer’s husband later …

Todays drive – only just over one hour

Well tomorrow will be a new day. An interesting one. Only a short drive … now Baia Flaminia has an older part and a newer one. The newer rooms are much nicer but require using two different lifts with a walk between them. Let us hope they are working. I wonder where our room will be.

Thought for the Day






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