Well – I had the most comfortable bed ever at Ouistreham Ibis, but didn’t sleep that well. Probably something to do with dozing through most of the crossing. And a stuffed up nose.
T surfaced ( can’t call it waking up) in a foul mood. I’m not going to brekkie etc etc. But he did eventually arise. At brekkie, it was clear that he couldn’t work out where to go for the different choices. He got as far as the fruit and came back with a cup of coffee (in addition to the one he already had) half a grape vine and an apple. His refusal to make other choices made me realise he lacked understanding so I fetched him some mini crepes, bread and jam and cheese, all of which he ate.
We didn’t hurry to depart and took H for a short stroll amongst the dunes. But I was wearing the wrong shoes to go far. A disaster waiting to happen.

We arrived at Le But to discover things were not so bad. But it is all relative. Well our little garden is a total jungle, and the drive is overgrown. The gate through the box hedge has disappeared. No nasty box bug here. A strimmer and a hedge trimmer would improve things quite quickly. But the house is still standing and full of cobwebs and dust. The new bit of roof looks very fine.

The electricity and internet cooperated but the water did not. I shall need to check it out. We will make a brief return tomorrow and then move south or spend another night here in Bagnoles de L’Orne.
T wandered off to inspect the field, with H in tow and I suddenly realised that he had been gone rather a long time. I called him – to no avail. I called H too, but that did not work either. So, I took the car round the local lanes searching for him.
Eventually, he lurched out of the lane/ sentier almost opposite the house. He had got himself lost. Though he did not admit to that. But I tested him and told him to go into the house. It was clear he hadn’t a clue where it was because the hedge had grown across the gate.
We are now staying in O Gayot – home of our top restaurant in Bagnoles . Rooms are reasonably cheap and ours is spacious and comfortable.
I tested the loo and was horrified to discover what I had deposited. It seems I am no longer a human being but a tree. Or more specifically a box tree. Because half of me littered the loo. How did all that hedge box debris get into my underwear?
We wandered out and about for a coffee and 00 beer for T at the Lido – the brasserie down the road. Another favourite. Just as we were leaving, the heavens opened and there was thunder and lightning. And some very heavy rain.
I’m so glad it wasn’t raining like that as I was stumbling through long grass and scrambling through the hedge at Le But.
We relaxed a bit back at the hotel before dinner and taking H for a wee etc. By now it was pouring with rain again. I had forgotten the horrors of heavy rain. The sort of rain where you need a heavy-duty waterproof coat to take H for a wee. You then realize you don’t know where the raincoats are in the car and, when found, and worn, they will come back wet. Very wet. I left T with a beer. H and I were definitely wetter than we were dry.
Our evening meal was delicious. T made himself look silly by trying to be funny and being too obscure. Fine by me. It’s he who is silly. We talked to a nice American chap with an Irish passport; from the right part of Ireland, he has a house locally and is a runner.
I wish T would stop muttering. Oky do or Oh dear. And I wish he would stop spitting. I can’t stand spitting. (Not spitting at dinner! Phew!! But back in the room) The chuntering went on a while before he fell asleep. That put a stop to it. Tomorrow I will suggest he talks to me and not himself. : ))
H and I got soaked last thing and she did not even bother to wee. It will be a long night Heidi. The rain has been torrential and that is forecast to continue. We shall head south tomorrow late morning/ afternoon. No point in hanging around up here in such rain. Bedtime now.
The room door is locked. And I have the key. No escape! I hope there is not a fire. Fingers crossed.

Thought for the Day

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