Getting ready

The storm was very vigorous last night. I love a good storm! Unfortunately, I fell asleep, as did H and T. So I missed most of the fun. Apparently there was a lightning strike 3 km away. More storms may arrive tonight.

Another sort of interrupted night which meant an early brekkie. Only the cupboard was a bit bare. I fed T some of the apple pie that I had made yesterday. And I went hungry – or correction I was not hungry.
T said he wasn’t feeling that great, I could see it was going to be a struggle to get him up and going. He was a bit yucky and burpy, reminiscent of the old red wine days, when I used to feed him Nexium to control his indigestion.
But, I really needed him out from under the sheets and out from under my feet today, as I had bags to sort and the car to organise.
So I brooked no dissent. Obediently, slowly and grunting, he showered and was delivered to Cholsey Day Care. He seemed quite chirpy by then.

Today Day Care were/ was having an Open Day to celebrate their 30th Anniversary and I could have spent the whole Day there. Invitations had been issued. I just did not have the time. So I forewent an explanation of the history of the Centre and the buffet lunch and arrived for the afternoon entertainment .

Back to the start of the day. Having dropped T off, I attempted to get OW20 engine oil for the car. But there was none visible anywhere. And the grumpy man at Wallingford Filling Station said he had never heard of it. Nor could I find the handbook recommended alternative. That wasted time. We will go to Portsmouth via the Reading Honda Dealer tomorrow. I’m not sure how important the right spec is, but better to be safe than sorry.

H and I spent a happy hour wandering by the Thames from Cholsey layby. She paddled quite deeply; her confidence is growing, in preparation for the sea. She then promptly rolled in the black dust of an impromptu bbq. (Such as we are not supposed to be having.) Blacker and muddy too now.

Sunning the bbq dust

Then it was home to sorting the packing and the inside of the car. My plans worked out more or less as I hoped they would. There are still all sorts of bits and pieces that I have yet to gather up. The Miele even got involved with the car interior.

Chris bought these trugs in 2020 for us to take out to him. None of us made it.
Another item for Chris. Having bashed himself lately he is being sensible.

The sheets were also washed and put back on the bed.

By now, around 13.15, I was feeling the strain, and my heart was not really in the mood to go to the Day Centre. But I felt I needed to support them so off I went.

A lady was singing songs from the 1950s to the 1980s. It was a really lovely occasion. The staff made sure that everyone who wished to was able to joIn in the dancing, twirling and supporting the doddery and performing wheelchair pirouettes with those in wheelchairs.

It was great and I was really impressed with the commitment from the staff.

Upon our return, I felt more than a little tired. I barely made it to the bed. I was half on it, on my special sloping mattress. A combination of these two circumstances meant my knee was dangling over the edge of the bed in a very strange position. Being in such a strange position meant the main dangler was not cooperating when I woke up. It took a while to get itself working. Self-indulgent.

I went out and bought a couple of potatoes to jacket with the final remaining fridge left overs. I fell asleep again, to find another storm was wreaking it’s havoc. Two in two days now.

We have a new prime-minister. La Truss. Another cardboard cut out. Or maybe a woodn offcut. She had better get things right or she will be toast. Mixed metaphors there.

I’m torn between being desperate to improve the economy and desperately wanting the Tories out of office. I don’t think I can have both. At least Pritti Shitti has jumped before she was pushed.
The Tories gave already destroyed too many things I hold dear.

Thought for the Day

As we’ve seen at Westminster, the herd is powerful and when the herd moves, it moves. And my friends, in politics, no one is remotely indispensable. BJ

Back off … lying toad …






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