I had a lousy night – awake and restless at some silly o’clock. Tea at about 04.30 and then complete failure to reconnect with sleep.
I gave up and spent the better part of the next half hour plus, sorting out our various medicines and boxing T’s up into daily doses in compartmented containers. Then I sorted out some clothing tossing garments towards the various travel cases, all with wheels.
I unearthed the mobile induction hob from the utility room in case I should decide to cook something whilst away. It was a bit bigger than I remembered.
T managed to get up and accompany H and myself for a walk down to the river at Streatley. We walked far enough under some drizzly rain, for which we were not well garmented. T was slightly better off than I was because he sported a jacket.

Goodbye, Father Thames.
We returned to the car, when, of course, the rain stopped raining. To use up the time in hand before we were due at the Illis, we called in at Goring Tesco to pick up a little fruit.
And then to the Illis, where Ali had made a delicious coffee, early, birthday cake, because, of course, we won’t be here on the actual day. And delivered me some gifts.
We were summoned to inspect the large shed that Dave has built up their garden. Yes up it. Their garden does not ‘do’ down. Not unless you are walking from the far end back towards the house. It is an amazing, sturdy construction. I told him he should rent it out on Airbnb. It is secluded, discretely shielded by trees, and could be fitted out like a gypsy van.
Their garden room will be installed soon. This is intended to be a home office to give Alex the work space she needs.
It was good to see everyone sgain including Lena and Timur. They both seem well. Timur is very excited because school, and football start tomorrow. I am struck by how well the Ukranians seem to be part of the family. I will miss them once they move on at the end of November. I still feel sad about this.
It has been a bumpy and difficult morning for me. In a bit of a Quandary. I had also received an upsetting, but reassuring email earlier from Saira. If such can exist.
F and G start school later in the week. Pen is also back tomorrow, as are the friends I met on Friday.
Daycare has an open day tomorrow and I will have to grace it with my presence, as well as complete packing.
(Memo to self – french gizmo and cables and induction converter. Shoes might be quite useful. Keys . Yellow trugs. Art board. Dog stuff including leishguard. OW20 Oil. Ikea. )
Two more nights.
I needed a cheer up from my second and other inner thoughts, so socialising was welcome. After the shed inspection, we returned home to feed our faces mid afternoon and then recover.
A FaceTime with Anne followed and then some TV. This included an interesting programme – ‘How to…’ all about New York scaffolding. Weird or what!
Earlier in the day, I had received an email from Saira, Farooq and Rahila’s oldest daughter, in response to a card I sent. It had arrived too late for Rahila. But I had included a family card, and my email address, which allowed better communication to open up. No one was manning F and R’s emails.
Rahila was diagnosed in July and dead before the end of August. Endometrial cancer; described by Saira as brutal and harsh. Devastating the whole family. Her funeral was last Wednesday. Had we known, we would have been there. I knew it was traditional for Muslims to hold funerals within 24/48 hours of death.
I shall move on from the past. Time to be in the present. Well, almost.
As I came to bed last night, around mudnight, there was a real humdinger of a storm clattering the sky above. Luckily H is not a quaker and was laid out and asleep. I could hear wind and very heavy rain. YES! No need to use the watering can.
As for OW20 oil …
Thought for the Day

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