Another night when I awoke at some really silly o’clock. And wallowed in and out of deep drifts of sleep thereafter. Until it was time to get both of us going. I think our first hit / hot drink was around 05.00 . In the dark these days.
It was the bin men that finally awoke me around 07.00, just in time for me to realize that I had put the wrong bin out. Twot that I am! Handy that … when we will be away for a while. I even have a S Oxon app that reminds me what bin and when to put it out.
T was ready for DayCare without too much stress and nagging. He and the deputy manager always have a little gun battle as he goes in to the Centre. She wields a thermometer gun and he uses his fingers to respond.
He seems to be very popular there with his silly jokes and erudite conversation. Testament to this are the cheery responses he gets when I pick him up at the end of a day. Or maybe they are just glad to see the back of him.
I walked H at Cholsey Rec for about 15 minutes because the heavens opened. By the time we returned to the car the rain had all but stopped. But by now neither of us was very dry.

I headed to Nettlebed Creamery on a Kimchi mission which ended in failure. Lots of varieties of Kimchi but it has to be kept refrigerated. So would not withstand a 10 day overland journey in summer. I bought some of their cheese instead. Not a lot, because we are up and away. I hope. Not sure why, but I keep having major wobbles. Mostly to do with only having T for company for a long spell of time. I think.
Upon returning home, there were jobs I wanted to cross off my list. One look at the inside of the fridge promoted it to top job. The shelves were taken out and got a good scrubbing, any suspiciously dated items were chucked, jars were organised into trays. It does not look like a McGeorge fridge any more. Far too gleaming.
T will be disappointed because there is not much left for him to reorganise.

I then sat down and nibbled some of the more dubious, toxic items, which sent me into a deep coma. Obviously very toxic.
Of course that meant I had to do my second important job much later, after I had picked up T. This job was investigating ways of organising our bags within the car. I needed the wheelies to be lightweight / empty for this.
First problem – find the bloody things. Wheelie number 3 that we had used last weekend was nowhere to be found. I hunted around, eventually retrieving it from the spare room cupboard – as you do.
So I removed the accumulated clutter from within and tested the bags inside the car, and was pleased to discover my luggage location plan will work.
Wendy was returning from a dog walk and decided to stick her oar in. I don’t know what planet she lives on but it’s not the same one as me. I received an ear bashing about how the car would be pulled over and put on a weighbridge if ’they’ (who are ’they’???) thought it was overloaded.
WHAT???? FFS!!! What weighbridge? A mobile one? They are not exactly regularly situated. She is crackers.
The luggage …. doh… how many times have I done this trip… And how many times has she…The car will hold 4 adults and flat Stanley. The luggage will not weigh as much as two adults
T was tired but in good spirits. I made him a sandwich for his tea because I was off out clubbing later. Ha ha . At Ecchinswell which is under new management.
After testing yesterday, Chris has restored his blog to email compatibility. I’m wondering if he can do the same with mine.
A package for him has failed to arrive in time, as has one for me. Monday is really the final deadline for both. Bit of a let down really.
Peter will probably be in Crete whilst we are, so hoping to meet up somewhere midway between Grammeno and Irapetra.
The evening at Ecchinswell was good fun. The pub was busy, the carpark full, and they had no record of our booking. But it was all fine.
Thought for the Day

One day maybe …
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