
I slept very comfortably at the Airport Hilton, despite various ains and paches. H, apparently, declined to join Steph and her menagerie upstairs and remained downstairs. Steph walked her this morning before we picked her up which was very helpful.

My right buttock ( probably glute) strain has turned into something very peculiar giving me strange and agonising cramps when I move. Cramps in strange places.

Unsurprisingly, these were not conducive to any sort of movement.

Sympathy? Sympathy was there none.
But we eventually made it to brekkie, where we found J and J and exchanged greetings for the day.

I battled with the coffee machine which seemed to be delivering random amounts of coffee, sometimes with a foamy presence, sometimes into the cup, sometimes not. Whilst brewing this, T was chomping away, wondering where I was. T wanted more coffee. I described my experience and told him where the machine was in case he wanted to help himself. Then I repeated everything. And not just the once! And guess what…

Upon leaving the hotel, we picked up H. There was a certain amount of farce because, as we arrived, Steph was leaving her house in her car. Since receiving our text exchange, confirming pick up arrangements, she had received a message from estate agents who wanted to show someone round the house. Like NOW.

She therefore, sensibly, decided the presence of 4 dogs might not help the sale, so she swept them into the car to take them out. Still having the presence of mind to put H’s bed etc in her car.

There was a little bit of a car chase around a roundabout until we found somewhere safe to stop. And swap. H expressed her feelings about seeing us again in the usual manner.

Next up – back to Pen’s because we won’t see the Roberts for a few weeks. So it was farewells… And also to the Roberts (IOM) family mark 2 , and to the Illis.
Off we went into the sunset – well- not quite. As it was around 11.30.

The journey was not so smooth as our outward one. There was a fair bit of congestion and one or two short hold ups. T wanted coffee so we stopped at a diner, and I bravely sent him to bravely buy his own … (And , yes I know that is a split infinitive. If its good enough for StarTrek, I can do it too.) I asked T to go back and buy me some boiled sweets, they keep me awake if I am feeling sleepy.

T returned clutching… another cup of coffee, but no sweets. 2 cups of coffee were now resting in the mug holders. Luckily, we have 4 of them.

I sent him back again for the boiled sweets and he returned clutching … yes…another cup of coffee. That made 3. In the 4 cup holders.

I didn’t want ANY coffee so T drank it all … and the consequences of the 3 (large) cups of coffee were predictable. A layby stop.

As you will have realised, we arrived home safely.

With a thankful sigh, I lay down my weary cramped buttock. But I am well aware that actually getting up and moving around brings surer relief. So up I got and pottered amongst my desiccated plants. And pottered more in general.

But then, I also know that sleep is a healer. Bit of a choice there!

Birthday photos still keep arriving.

Birthday boy with his girls
Most of the grandchildren and nephews and nieces
The venu
Frankie is not looking her best
The family table

We had fun ! And it was good to see the younger generation get along and make new friendships within the extended family.

Thought for the Day

You love it or loathe it – good old A303

Lucky escapes for us
No outward hold up here which is very unusual
We were lucky!






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