Party Time

Dave-id is the most wonderful host. He had laid on a lavish spread at The Pig for us, wider family and old friends and some local ones. The Pig is one of my top places.
Did we get lost finding it? Not a lot. Just a bit.

The space we were given was the independent conservatory – a building full of character with its own rustic seating area outside.

The menu was thoughtful and the different courses were presented in big dishes to be shared out at the two tables we occupied.
The evening was fine and warm providing us with a wonderful sunset. And the grounds are just stunning anyway.
Of course, I could hardly move by now as my naughty buttock was sending spikes of pain down my leg.

The evening involved little intervals for speeches, generally in appreciation of Dave-id including from brother Mike.

Top speech writer, whose ‘honesty’ took us from Dave, the first 30 years, which we heard at his wedding, when Mike as best man, through the next 20 years which bring him, 2 daughters later, to 50.

It had not escaped Mike’s notice, out there in Singapore, that Dave has now become Dave-id. An experienced pod caster. And that the little 9 year old boy, who was so excited to get a torch, ( we heard the recording) one Christmas, now has his sights on other things!
The final tribute was Mike’s Elbow style song to the new Dave-id. Excellent!

I’m glad Mike and family are back from Singapore.

It was a great party!

more pics to follow….






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