Happy Birthday Dave!

50 years old! That is a half century!

I slept a very good sleep at Two Bridges Hotel. Maybe the fact that I was on a flat mattress had something to do with it. It was two single beds pushed together which is 20cmm wider than our current arrangement. That is what I have decided to go for anyway. Two single mattresses on single divans with storage, or on a superking divan with storage.

Little H also passed a silent night. We were down by around 08.30 for a splendid brekkie. I took H for a pre-brekkie wander while T was in the shower.

It was beautiful outside- blue skies, no one about except the geese, a still stream, mirroring the bridge above it. DEWY GRASS! Green grass with glittery dewy droplets, dampening my feet. Just lovely!

Something circular
August morning on Dartmoor

Soon we were ready to set off to Wistman’s Wood. Sadly we didn’t get as far as this Ancient Woodland, and now I know I never will. The main problem being the boulder strewn path. ( Apart from T’s constant whinging)

Much of the footpath was a relatively easy track, but in places, the presence of boulders, some large and some small, for 50 – 100 metres or so, made traversing it very tricky for me. The difficulty was to do with balance and the random rises and drops involved. Never mind fear of twisting the new knees or an ankle in between the boulders . These bits were horrid, and I could find no way through the last rocky jumble.
But the walk was a thing that I enjoyed. Probably better if left to my own devices. We chatted to interesting people, including the couple who lived in a wayside cottage and offered the three of us welcome water.

Sheep meant H stayed on the lead
The wayside cottage
Wistman’s wood about 500m away – horrid boulders for me/ easy for others
Different woodland
What we missed

We grabbed a drink at the Two Bridges Hotel before departing. No food! Just a drink. Not hungry – too knackered .

In the absence of a phone signal, I stopped en route and sent Steph a text message to say we were on our way with H .

H seemed happy to stay with Steph and her retriever, Duggy and a little pug she is boarding. He was just so cute with his squishy face and the most expressive eyes. I am not usually a fan of people pugs, but this little guy melted my heart! Duggy is a gentle giant.
Steph has a motley collection of animals on her bed every night. H has her best bedroom doggy bed with her. Nut she remained downstairs – her choice.

H didn’t even try and follow me to the gate. I’m not sure if she knew I was about to abandon her, or whether she was tired after trailing across Dartmoor, but she sat and watched us depart.

I have a very sore muscular strain to my left buttock area . This is causing great discomfort and cramps.

We checked in at the Hilton at Exeter airport, as is our wont. Pen seems to have an endless supply of people camping out in their house. Ali and Dave and co have joined Mike and family. That makes 13 I think.

I decided I did not pass the sniff test, so showered and took a lie down.

And as for the party – separate post.

Thought for the Day






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