I didn’t know there was such a thing. But it is today, apparently. It is evening now so a bit late to celebrate. I don’t suppose our international dog will be that bothered.
I had another very disturbed night. Far too many brain tabs open. T just sleeps through it all. He cooperated well this morning and we were at Daycare in good time.
It was another sunny day, and by the time H and I were strolling at Castle meadows, it was 25C, so warm!

Puddles remained in the craters after yesterday’s downpour. The grasses are showing hints of green.
There was a bit of a commotion involving the cattle. A lot of disconcerting moos from the cows, and a bloke shouting in the distance. At first, I thought someone’s dog was responsible for the disturbance.
Then amongst all the racket, the cattle trotted at fair speed behind a vehicle which headed towards the pen where the animals are rounded up. Farmer giving them a work out I guess. H was unbothered. Unbothered generally today, in fact.
At home, a fair number of jobs lay waiting to ambush me … boring jobs. And then there was vacuum storage to finish off. Holiday towels are squished flat and hard to be transported to Crete. Other clothes are at the top of the wardrobe.
I felt quite sleepy, after the tricksy night, and had to set the alarm lest I forget to meet T. He was chirpy enough when I picked him up.
I had received an email informing me that Cook were opening a new shop in Didcot. It was sensibly situated in the Orchard retail area. We visited and we just had to select a few dishes, mindful that freezer space was limited. Their cooking is very good and I enjoy the flavours of their food.
During the main lockdown, two years ago, they would only supply current customers. I was not one, then. But I am now! I do not see the point in sweating blood and tears over a hot cooker for someone who doesn’t eat what I prepare. However. when it comes to Cook meals, it is a different story! No sweating, and he eats them.
Ovens, like tumble driers, are becoming things of the past – too expensive to use. I might revert to using the oven of our microwave. The one I used all the time at BV. It is very efficient and much smaller, so presumably uses less energy. Or I could use the small top oven.

Why have our energy costs risen by 215%? It is 23% in Germany and 8% in France. We are lagging horribly behind EU countries. But what I really don’t ’get’ is why the energy companies eg Centrica are allowed to make these huge profits, whilst some people are faced with not being able to keep warm, or cook, this winter. The figures are heart attack territory.
The government is just not there. They won’t send spokespeople to speak. There is no reassurance, no communication, nothing. It is a shambles. Truss clearly has no idea what to do. Awful choice.
Martin Lewis was deeply angry this morning, for once, he seemed stuck for solutions and advice. Speechless really.
More insulation, renewables and better storage. But they require time. I fell asleep in the wrong place this evening.
I see the Illis are back in the UK after their Paris trip. I believe they got a bit confused over Versailles! Something to do with wrong tickets and wrong trains.
Thought for the day

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