Full House

Had a lovely full sleep for once – not too many open brain tabs. Both dogs joined in my deep sleep and all was very peaceful.
I had a brief wakeful moment when it was still dark. I thought I could hear rain, but told myself not to be so silly. It does not rain in Moulsford any more.

Minnie has obviously learnt from experience that H can get very jealous if she comes near me or my side of the bed, so she makes T her target. And she sleeps by him, sticks her face into his, and her paws on his chest. This is real mutual adoration, despite the fact that he can’t remember her name, or that she is female.

Morning arrived and I did not immediately recognise the fact that the ground was wet. And shortly after, the heavens opened heavily for an hour or so which was very good news. Unless you wanted to walk a dog or two.

I eventually walked the dogs at Castle Meadows, which are now shorn of their long grass. It was spitting slightly but the rain took one look at us and cleared off elsewhere.

Grey still up there
Shorn grass
Something very delicious

T was still in bed when I arrived home and I whiled away a short time at home before returning Minnie to Lena and Timur.

I then took myself off to Hermitage for a carers’ get together, which, for the first time in a while, was a full house. It was a very good catch up. Some of us see each other more regularly than others. But I will be the missing one for the next few weeks.

Dame Sue was a bit late arriving, she had accepted an invitation to go out this morning, to watch family skiing, at Bracknell. Or so she thought. Only it wasn’t Bracknell, it was at Hemel Hempstead. Whoops! The Bracknell Snow Dome is defunct.

I returned home soon after 4.00, but H had done a very good job supervising T. He was still in bed when I arrived home, so mischief was minimised.

I’ve had a bit of yummy acne over the last day or two and discomfort inclined me to hurry to get home. Urgent needs and all that. I gave my acne some recovery time and I bought some sprouts in case they might help??

The day has been fairly miserable and fairly cool. Though no more rain.

Evie has her GCSE results which came as a great relief to everyone. All passes with some higher grades. Well done Evie. it seems that public / private schools have treated themselves to a bit of grade inflation (cheating) over the last two years. Now there is a surprise!

Heidi’s Leishguard ( aka vitamins) from Spain has arrived cunningly avoiding the scheduled Royal Mail strike. She needs a daily dose for 28 days. Starting today. It guards against a nasty pox borne by sandflies in Mediterranean areas, amongst other places. Leishmaniasis.

Either the migrants attempting to cross the channel don’t know they may end up in Ruanda or they don’t care. Albanian attempts have risen 100% which is concerning because Albanians have a criminal gang culture. It is thought their previous overland routes (via lorry smuggling) are drying up. Also, the trafficking is originating from UK end, not Albania.

‘Migrant flash mobs’ are springing up on French beaches, sometimes in broad daylight, sometimes on tourist beaches. They unload and construct new inflatables and hope to overwhelm police. But the french police are a step ahead with their cunning new weapon. Punctures!

The other two main nationalities involved are Afghans and Iranians.
So, Pritty Shitty’s great idea of using Ruanda as a deterrent, may not have been so clever. It doesn’t appear to be very deterring.

They keep talking about the ’new foreign secretary’ on the news , so presumably the dark bimbo’s days are numbered. Not before time.

Shame – it looks like a blonde one is heading toward No 10. I don’t think she will last long.

Thought for the day

I will hang on to this thought
But not these thoughts






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