Round and round we went. In an attempt to find Newbury. It was not at all straight forward! ;((
I awoke, not feeling that great, with a low grade yummy ache, but comforted in the knowledge that there were no pressing engagements to get up for. No need to nag T into action. Then I discovered the fridge was all but empty which was not very convenient.
We had enough in the foodstuff line for an early coffee and a few fruit cake crumbs for T.
I tried to walk off the tummy ache by using what remains of our hose pipe time by watering the plants. Only one other hose day before the ban is in force.
I wonder if the local car wash enterprise is allowed to use hoses. There was a bit of a queue there this morning.
The nice car wash man operates from the local Morrisons filling station / shop. I was there to replenish some of the gaps that I had found in the fridge. And there are usually bargains to be had, including today.
I also found a strange red car in the drive. That was a bit odd. I didn’t think cars were sufficiently advanced, technologically, so as to be able to spawn other cars. Maybe technology had moved on overnight.
But then, maybe, it was an Illi car.
I fed T more hot drink and a croissant and listened to H barking at a courrier who had the temerity to disturb our peace.
The courier delivered twin goodies in some careful wrapping. Two beautiful doggy mugs. One for me from Chris (early birthday) and the other for Himself from Himself. We will spirit his out to Crete for him. Thank you Chris – this is a very lovely gift. Hot drinks taste all the better from the beautiful mug.

A little more recovery from my tummy ache followed and then another courier arrived to disturb H. Sadly, not bearing gifts this time. But 6 medium size vacuum storage bags. That required action on my part. Some of those wardrobe clothes now occupy less space.
It was pointed out to me, that if I used these bags for clothes on our up coming trip, they could be a big space saver. Bulky winter coats and jumpers and towels in particular.
I was so impressed that I immediately re-ordered more medium bags and some small bags.
Tony has re-watered the plants and turned the hose tap off too tight so it is stuck again. Not that it really matters since we can’t use it after tomorrow.
I decided we would walk H at Pangbourne Meadows – a new destination. Except we couldn’t find the car park, and when we did, it was full. The meadows looked rather attractive but a summer Saturday afternoon is not a sensible time to go.
We drove back towards Streatley, but then I was struck by the thought of a walk at Greenham followed by a trip to the Chinese. Much the best Chinese (from Newbury) their dishes are always stuffed with lightly cooked vegetables.
My one and only trip to Goring Chinese take away over a year ago, had resulted in a half hour wait for food that I had ordered for a certain time, and microscopic portions that half filled the containers . Never again! Ho Wan staff cram food in to the brim and take about 10 minutes from ordering. And it’s always busy.
First problem – finding Newbury, via the A4 and Greenham. I wanted to avoid traversing the town due to:
- loads of complaints about new roadworks and huge jams in the middle of town
- the above, combined with horse racing
I have subsequently learned that the incompetent Newbury town planners did not have correct permission for the road closures, so the works have been halted and the diversions are dismantled. The whole project lacked any sensible joined-up thinking, as is usual in Newbury.
Finding Newbury was not easy. The satnav took us on a tour of the West Berks countryside via folds in the hills and secret valleys. I just wanted to approach Greenham via the A4. I might just as well have asked for the moon.
Once we arrived, after some misdirection, we had a short walk at Greenham where the effects of the drought on the dog ponds were very obvious.

Time to get the Chinese. Problem… I couldn’t get into the car. Try as I might, the door would not yield to my entreaties and clearly did not recognise me as the owner of the car.
This was probably because I wasn’t.
I was not the owner of that particular red car. But I did own the one next to it. Silly me! Close!
We grabbed the chinese and sped home through the unfettered town centre. And I remembered to avoid the closed road at Aldworth. Just another diversion that had complicated our earlier journey.
The supper was comforting and the evening trickled by.
Penny and Dave are pulling apart their new home. Or someone is doing it for them. The kitchen has gone as have some bathrooms.

Thought for the Day

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