
It needed sorting. So I sorted it!

The night had another of those holes in it where I was awake for a while. And then I fell asleep again and awoke quite late. Well, around 07.00.

Usual routine procedure on a day care day is to start nagging T to get up around 07.30. We like to be there around 09.30-09.40, but it is hard work!

Having dropped T off, I walked H around the local Rec. Cholsey is really good at looking after all its residents, from those with impairments to entertaining its children during the school holidays.

At the Rec, there have been various things going on for children from petting animals, to football, to a version of zorbing. Today it was kiddy zorbing. It also has recently built state of the art skateboard ramps and a more ancient zip wire. All in an area for older children, whilst the younger ones have swings etc.

Kiddy zorbing
Skate park

An easy walk is round the Rec, where, unlike elsewhere, the grass is quite green, and the trees are hanging on to their leaves, including a magnificent plane tree. And we walk along the woodland paths, not forgetting a paddle in the brook.

Plane tree
Not horse chestnut

H potters along in the grasses and thickets.

I chilled out a while at home and then emptied the wardrobe and the washing basket which contained a mountain of assorted clothing. I bagged up items I don’t wear regularly and put the ones I do wear on more accessible shelves. I shall bring a chair in from T’s study so that I can use that as a dumping ground and bottom park for my backside.

Whilst all this was going on, I was interrupted by a rather rough old diamond, wanting to borrow a pen to leave someone a note.

This annoyed me somewhat as I had to hunt one out; and her manner was demanding and expectant, rather than suitably obsequious. I was interrupted in my mission and I thought it an odd thing to do. Also I could see Wendy and Burt were in.
It was only later that I realised the incident had all the makings of a distraction burglary, where someone distracts you at the front door whilst an accomplice enters at the rear, and helps themselves to your possessions. Luckily H made quite a racket upon her arrival, so may have deterred anyone else. But it was probably all innocent.

It was a relief to have completed my clothing mission. And before I knew it, I was off to meet T. He was full of beans.

There had been visiting musicians which meant dancing. Yes, even T . According to the staff.

I may have relaxed my eyelids for a while catching up on /filling in last night’s hole.

A chat with Steph, Penny’s friend followed. She is going to have H for 24 hours over Dave’s 50th birthday weekend. H is well used to staying at Pen’s, even without us. But we deemed it too risky, given her new Houdini status. There will be people coming and going and doors left open etc. Steph is a bit of a dog whisperer and takes dogs in. So H will go there.

Thought for the day






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