A Level results day today. Frankie will get hers.
She was at school on a certain Thursday 19th March 2020, working on an Art GCSE practical exam, when, along with her contemporaries, she was told not to go back to school the next day. Or for the forseeable future, which became 6 months. Mixing with other people became illegal . And then, months later, it happened all over again.
Her last two years of education were well messed up.
And so, disinterest crept in, along with not wanting to go to university. Not that that bothered me. No point in going unless you really want to. But, it may have been a cunning plan to camouflage future disappointment.
But now, with higher grades than expected, and offers at her first and second choice of universities, the world could be her oyster. She certainly has thinking to do.
So well done Francesca Roberts! You make us very proud.

The night passed with a chunk of disturbance in the middle, but I fell asleep again, only to oversleep.
We had to be up for our clean team. As usual, it took me a while to get T up, and as usual, he was still faffing in the ensuite shower as one of the team was waiting to clean it.
Once they departed, I dragged T back to Gatehampton. With my phone this time.
The day had dawned dull, but warm. After the rain on Tuesday, we have had no more, and none of significance is forecast. And a hose pipe ban starts on Monday. So, it’s back to square 1.
I mentioned dying horse chestnut trees yesterday …

Our walk was very pleasant once more. The cows had shifted position since yesterday and were hiding in some trees beside the river.

H spent no inconsiderable amount of time trotting around in sniffy circles, hunting for yesterday’s lost treasure. The dead baby bunny treasure. She had her ears firmly blocked to my entreaties showing great interest in a clump of trees. And then she wandered off to the other side of the wire fence, cleverly getting herself stuck on the wrong side of it.
Eventually we found a way back for her and then went to sit by the river. Our little dog is no fool and obviously felt robbed.
I also may have mentioned that the Thames does not contain as much water as usual.

We returned home via the Perch and Pike in South Stoke where we had an entirely delicious lunch with very good service. Beside pretty flowers.

I may have relaxed my eyelids when we arrived home.
And then followed a Facetime with Anne. We have not spoken for a while. So it was good to catch up.
I don’t think we will require another meal today!
I have now discovered that Boris and Carrie are holidaying in Karystos on Εύβοια. Which is why they were passing through Nea Makri the other day.
I hope Boris is not dressed like this:

Thoughts for the Day up

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