Just the right sort of Rain!

What a lovely night! At least it was, once I could breathe, and had opened all the windows that T closed whilst I was in bed ahead of him. Earlier in the night.

I was awake at a rather silly time, which allowed me to collect my thoughts, and flex as daylight drew near. A little exterior research informed me it had tried to rain, but success was sparse. About 10 drops had splatted the car windscreen.
Investigation of the forecast hinted that more serious rain would fall from 10.00 onwards.

So, today required early walks, but to avoid getting wet, rather than hot.

The Walk was at Castle Meadows today. H did not chase the baby bunnies. But she did sit and watch them as they taunted her from down a slope. She was calculating her chances, which she wisely decided were negligible given the proximity of bushes the other side of the fence. The rabbits would get in but H could not.

The rain held off but the grey clouds did not. I have not moaned about them for a while. Have almost forgotten what they are. I shall soon miss all those blue skies. The temperature was much more comfortable, though it felt a bit muggy.

I returned home to tend to T and concoct brekkie and prepare some of the things I should have done yesterday. I have yet to sort my wardrobe.
Try as I might, I did not fall asleep.

I spent some considerable amount of time on the phone organising insurance for our trip. We had a voucher, worth quite a lot of money from the cancelled trip in 2020. I was hoping the voucher would cover most of the cost.

Ha ha! Take the covid premium, our ages and increased costs and there was no chance. As long as we are murdered in our beds and all our luggage is stolen, someone will benefit. Probably won’t bother next time, but I needed to use that voucher. The questions they ask are interminable.

I whiled the day away, not doing very much. It was a day of wall to wall grey skies with rare breaks in the clouds. The rain that fell, fell gently wetting only the first cm or so of ground surface.

It was quite a dismal day but a few of my plants relished it with gratitude. As did I, no complaints at the moment. The temperatures are much more comfortable.

Tracey, Andy and family are off on their hols tomorrow, to the Algarve. Their four dogs have been shared out between dog boarders and the kennels that we used. Wendy is entrusted with chicken duties. We were donated some eggs. They are good neighbours.

I haven’t been anywhere or done anything of interest. More athletics on TV to keep me ticking over.

I investigated the contents of the fridge for supper. Not much of interest left in there! I decided to get in the mood by making a loosely named version of boureki which is a cretan potato and courgette pie. It was pretty good and I have enough left for another dose tonight.

There was great excitement on H’s part when the local Evri (Hermes) person brought me two packages. One was very slim and tiny and contained some vitamins for Chris in Crete. In the hope this huge package will not be forgotten, they now reside in the wheelie bag with the ’things for Crete’ collection. Along with the snorkel and mask and other essential items.

The other exciting package contained bin liner bags in the correct size. About a 100 of them. For our twin bins. The correct size can be tricky to find in supermarkets. I have a few rolls the wrong size -too small.

And so bed time beckoned. And the windows remained open as I had left them.

The Azogires debacle is taking on a new twist. With responses from the planning / works department being posted in response to the complaints. I’m not sure I believe either side. I sort of feel a film coming on… (Manon des Sources)

It seems, as I suspected, that various cliffs above the road, were giving cause for concern over recent years, especially since 2019 – and had deteriorated more, very recently.

All sorts of proposals were originally looked at including a new road. Expense, timing and practicality determined the current state of affairs. A lack of response to proposals as well as lack of cooperation on the part of local land owners and farmers have dictated the current position. Supposedly.

The contractors have to clear up the loose boulders and free up the river bed.

We shall see. In the meantime, the truth is yet to be determined.

Thought for the day

Just getting into the swing of things!






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