The rain did not happen – wishful thinking or porky pies at the Met Office. The forecasters have been shunting the rain forward timewise for a couple of days now, and finally shoved it out of the way altogether. It was not substantially cooler either – being around 30C.
But tomorrow looks intermittently damp. It is now 18.00…and 27C which does not seem very British! Today was supposed to be cooler, but great heat caused me all sorts of problems this morning.
I had a really bad night. I could not get to sleep despite Ofosu’s best efforts. When I did drift off in the early hours, it was not for long. Or long enough. When I awoke around 07.00, I needed to get up to get T ready for Day Care, and did not have time to take H out early.
T was slow getting going and that helped everything run late. I dropped him off around 10.00 and had planned on taking H for a nearby shady walk at Cholsey Rec. That was scuppered as the nearest chunk of the Rec had been appropriated for some child-centred animal activity, that did not include roaming fluffy dogs with waggy tails. So, most of the alternative local walks were not very shady, and 500 metres on the one I chose was more than enough to make me abandon the walk from the lay-by. The heat rising from the dead cornfield, combined with the brightness of the same field was too much. But H had pooed. walking at 10.30 in great heat does not work for me.
I returned home with a list of domestic chores, doing most, but failing to do top chores x2. Most notably, I have not tidied the wardrobe and sorted my garments. I am cross with myself.
The day dragged on. With my laziness lying heavy.
T seemed to have had a good day at Day care . I plan to enrol him for an extra day when we are back from our holiday. Monday, Weds, Friday and he can stay in bed all day on Tuesday and Thursday. Unfortunately, they are full on a Wednesday at the moment. So we will be on the Waiting List.
I took him for an ice cream and a coffee at the Oxshed, where they seem to have a play area at the back for young children. What a great idea – a place for Mums and toddlers to meet and play and enjoy a coffee which = profits. Good on you Oxshed.
H has made up for the absence of a decent walk by exercising her jaw on a big fat bone. Where it is now, I have no idea as the baked earth is not offering the normal burial opportunities. Secreted away somewhere very secret. So secret only H knows where it is. Or not.
Boris has been spotted in a Nea Makri supermarket, along with Carrie. Stupid prat dressed in a jacket and trousers. Who would dress like that during the day in Greece. Or the night. Apart from a fishnet politician. Or even a dishonest politician. His father owns a fancy villa on the Pelion peninsular so Tina has suggested they were on the way there from the airport.
He continues to set a good example of a conscientious prime minister, taking his three weeks of holiday within three weeks of taking a permanent holiday.
I do not believe for one minute that he will stay in the house of commons with a marginal majority.

I was dormant towards the end of the evening. Extinction next!
I found T was making me suffocate by closing all doors and windows. Again.
Thought for the Day

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