Another Early One

It was another good night, awaking before 05.00, when it was still very dark.
Since the temperature was scheduled to rise from 20C at 08.00 to 27C at 09.00, another early walk beckoned.
I had time to flex before setting off for Wallingfod and the lower meadows on the other side of the river.

One advantage of being early is that I didn’t have to pay to park the car. Another advantage was the cool air and the absence of people. There was one … a maggot … as persons in sleeping bags are sometimes known.
He was very still. I expect he was alive. H was deeply suspicious. She doesn’t normally come across maggots on the river bank in the middle of Wallingford.

It was pleasantly cool out – cooler than predicted, 14C. Another stunning morning. If we get many more of these they might lose their novelty value. The only blot on the landscape was the rubbish piled up by the litter bins. At least most of it got as far as the bins.

A dog passing by with its lady assured me that the rubbish disposal engineers would be along shortly.

Sun is coming

As we were on the return leg, at 06.30, there was some raucous laughter from the adjacent campsite. Early bird catches the worm… and all that. Most of the campers would have had no choice about what time they wanted to awake. Someone else had made that decision.

I am enjoying these early outings because the quality of the light is quite stunning. Fiery.

People have been queuing up to jump off the bridge

T was not awake upon my return, which was no surprise.

I fed him a breakfast cookie and some coffee and left him to his slumbers.

I had a few boring chores to get on with, but once these were done, the day held little of interest until we went out about 18.00. It was very hot again so I lurked inside, watching some sport on TV.

I had managed to save my summer pudding and lemon posset from marauding fingers and most of the fresh fruit (except for the grapes) had also survived. This latter became a fruit salad. So, I loaded the cool bag with ice and the puddings.
T wants to help, but since he can’t follow instructions such as: ‘ put the bags on the floor behind the passenger seat,’ it just complicates things. And leads to acrimony. He puzzles over what the passenger seat is, what ‘floor’ and what ‘back’ mean.

But we did get everything over to the Illis in one piece.

Ali was busy barbecuing, having prepared veg earlier. Lena was a kitchen hand/ waitress, doing a stalwart job. Dave was in his shed, working out positioning a window. H played with Minnie and has a bone to enjoy today. T kicked a football around.

Listening to Timur string English together in complete sentences is a delight. He was quite vocal today, mostly on the subject of football. Discussing our premier league!

George is running a temperature and is quite poorly. Covid negative atm. I took over some spare tests. Just need to be aware for Peter and Freda’s sake.

It was lovely to see them both again after nearly a year. They appear well though Peter’s Parkinson’s is a bit more pronounced.

The meal was delicious and the puddings went down very well. One of three or two or all together in any combination.

H did not run away! Something to do with our presence I suspect.

August 15th tomorrow – an important day for Catholic and Orthodox Europe. Feasting and noise! And people everywhere. The Island of Tinos will be busy, and Rafina port will be heaving with people trying to get there so they can crawl to the church. From out at sea, Tinos town is a spectacular sight at night; illuminated like some giant Christmas tree. The steps up to the church have a special lane for the Crawlers. The other side is lined with stalls selling different icons and religious paraphernalia, as well as incense and magical cures.

August 15th is a turning point in the holidays. A turning towards the end of summer for us.

The French will celebrate and then drift back home to buy their school books and trail round supermarkets clutching their lists. Supermarket aisles will be piled high with exercise books and other stationery.

My mind is turning towards our holiday. The thought of several weeks with T is exciting… At least Greece makes him happy.

Thought for the Day
Surprise surprise!






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