I knew I was going to fall asleep on the sofa. So it didn’t come as a surprise when I did. Or when I surfaced at around 22.30 and crawled off to bed.
Waking up at around 06.30 had a novelty value for me. A little physical recovery had taken place, aches and pains, yes, though fewer. I wallowed in my bed, forgetting I needed to get T up for Day Care. And that was a struggle.

I managed to get H out for a quick walk down Ferry Lane . About two hours later than yesterday. Standards are slipping! I knew it would be too hot to go once I had dropped T off at Day Care. If I ever got him there.
And I also knew I was being more foolish than usual to hope that he might get himself up and running whilst I was out with H. Very foolish. So the battle began upon my return.
Unusually, he had been quite lively before I left with H. This had led to false hopes. He was indulging in a mega sulk when I arrived home again. A stupid, childish activity that is a waste of energy and time, mine as well as his.
Distraction techniques usually work. If we didn’t have to be somewhere, would I bother? With great certainty … No!
Anyway it all worked out in the end. Look at the blue sky, can you see the contrails? I wonder what the ladies outside are chatting about! Its going to be hot today! Is that H giving you a lick? How is your croissant? etc etc
I got him there! And even returned home to various horrid chores – watering plants, whilst we still can. Washing hung up, dish washer, sorting kitchen mess etc etc. I then organised the house with its anti-heat measures/ drawing curtains/ closing blinds/ opening some curtains, doors and windows and closing others.
A little timely relaxation brought more deeper relaxation and I found the day was disappearing, like grains of sand between my fingers.
Before I knew it, it was almost time to gather T from daycare. I felt sorely tempted to leave him there!
However, he is always glad to see me. And he had an additional delight awaiting him. A 15 m dog lead in a horrid muddle. Such a treat! Almost as good as the hose. Or cables. Hmm. He was straight ’on’ it; didn’t even need to ask.

Peter and Freda should arrive today as long as the Illis are all Covid negative. The journey will be hard for them. They are both in their 80s and Peter has Parkinsons and is quite shaky.
We returned to our troglodyte existence.

The evening temperatures bring little relief as they remain high until midnight. I see our night time temperatures are supposed to stay in the +20Cs until well after then and might be around 16C at sunrise. So it looks like I will need to be up early again. And so on until Monday when we may get respite. And rain!
But the rain will not be universal and will be heavy and the ground is concrete.

I was treated to a strange incident at Goring chippy this evening. The guy serving suggested I had not paid on my last visit. According to him, this was when I last picked up scampi, which was last week. Well … I was not there last week and scampi is a rare order. This accusation caused my brian to kick into gear. Not least because they always charge you before they start preparing your order.
I suggested he show me his records, and told him we had not been there recently. He did not exactly back down but implied they would carry the cost.
While waiting, I checked my bank statement. We were last recorded there on July 12th when I had definitely paid. All of which I pointed out to him. certainly had not been since then.
Is this a scam, they use against the old and doddery I wondered… They know perfectly well they charge you as you order.
I don’t really want to give up on the local chippy, but I may do. The service there has always been good and fish is good. Chips, not so good. I remember this chap from our last visit because I thought he was new to the business, new to me anyway, and a bit full of himself. I did not get an apology. Or acknowledgement that the mistake was his.
Some men! Need to learn humility and that they can be wrong! And apology is needed. But that would mean admitting they are in the wrong.
The evening passed with T persistently trying to close the patio doors, and me asking him to leave them open. This was on repeat. Once they are closed there is no through draft and I melt.
Thought for the Day

Or just rain anywhere, on anything will do.
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