Footpath to Nowhere

Thank you to Chris for being masterful with WordPress and helping it to conform with my expectations.

I couldn’t sleep last night – I was just too hot. And sticky. Should have bashed the problem on the head and taken a cold shower. By 02.30 things had cooked or even cooled down to around 14C, and an hour later, I needed some bed covering.

I gave up around 05.00 and slowly flexed and prepared myself for the doggy walk in the early cool.

A new route today. Not entirely successful. Stunning views, could be a circular route if you don’t mind some road work. But I ended up here:

I got the message! Between the white hairy thing and the gate

Earlier, there were a couple of footpaths that branched off my route, but I worked out, from my highpoint, that they met up with roads. Or the railway.

Today’s route was a track near the busy railway that linked Cholsey Village with its station as well as the main road to Wallingford. The views across the scorched fields were quite breathtaking. The Clumps topped the distant horizon. No escaping them!

The road to nowhere
Sheep! And Clumps in distance on the right
Lardon Chase in middle distance – the bit without trees
Ridgeway on horizon
Discrete train tracks

Being confronted by cattle and a gate, meant we turned around and retraced our steps, past the not so woolly sheared sheep. I continued the walk at Cholsey Rec.

By now my naughty watch was playing up. The distance stuck firmly on 1.48km as I walked along. And there was a strange icon/ face appeared that kept whirring, a bit like buffering. And then it switched off altogether and went black. I assumed I hadn’t charged it properly and maybe it was out of battery. It wasn’t communicating with my phone. Or with any shared data either.

I restarted it when I arrived home. It hadn’t charged overnight as the battery was around 37%, but far from being flat. Eventually it settled into a more sensible routine and communicated with others.

H goes piddling

I took H as far as the brook so she could paddle. There were a few dog walkers at the Rec including a rather fierce small brown dog. H, however, was once quite used to small brown dogs, so this particular flavour was easily dealt with. I noticed the grass on Cholsey Rec was much greener than Moulsgord Rec. There is nothing green about Moulsford grass.

Green? Moulsford Rec …

We were home soon after 07.00 on this beautiful morning. T was not lively and I needed a shower.

I remembered that there was a local coffee morning today. I didn’t attend the last one because … it was too hot. Things seem to be on repeat. T seemed quite keen to go and got himself up but we still arrived late. Because it was already very hot, we went by car, leaving H in the cool of the house.

I found we had to sit amongst people we did not know who turned out to be 3 residents of the local care home and their Polish carer, Diana. She was lovely, and had arrived in the UK 20 years ago, with no English. She was still working in the same care home, but now as activities manager. She was telling me how desperate they are for staff.

I discussed some local walks with someone who lives around the corner from us. This was useful chat.

Upon returning home we had nachos and salsa dip for lunch. A siesta became vital in the heat. Siestas are good for you anyway. That lasted a while.

T has given his ice cream activities away by neglecting to hide the wrappers properly, or even at all.

Lena is now Covid negative but quite tired. However I have offered her and Timur a day at the seaside tomorrow. it will be a long hot day.

Thought for the Day

“There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars.” – Jack Kerouac







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