Gloomy and Doomy

Thats the cost of energy outlook for the coming months. Over £4000 per year for the average household, which is outrageous. Boris is hiding in some hidey hole saying it is up to the next PM to sort it. I can see the sense in that, but I do not understand how Jo Public will afford that sort of money.

It was a good sleep but awake at silly o’clock and then the usual 05.00. I was keenly anxious not to become overheated on the doggy walk. I had a dental appointment to deal with too.

So H and I were out walking, by around 06.00. It was a strikingly beautiful, but surreal morning, and as we headed for Wallingford, the deep red sun was poking its huge globe over distant hills. A mist, of magical mysteriousness drifted across the fields and I just wanted to get somewhere, anywhere, so I could take photos.

There was a sharp, and welcome edge to the air as we set off on our walk. A few cars were strewn along the crater riddled lane, as other walkers and joggers made a similar early start.

I had a while at back at home before departing for Benson around 09.20. I was early for my appointment and was received early. Since dentistry and lack of NHS dentists, headed the news yesterday, we had a chat about that and the reasons why. He is quite a laugh, my dentist.

My teeth are still mostly in situ and require no treatment. Some are even the ones I was born with, even though they may have taken a while to appear.

I returned home for sustenance. I had tended to T earlier. I’m ashamed to say that sleep overtook me … for an hour or more .

Later, I realised that, unfortunately, I needed to go out again – in the 30C + of heat. A second text had reminded me that there were tablets to collect from the whizzy new 24 hour automatic dispenser that the surgery has invested in.
You order your meds; they issue them; send you a code; and you use the code to activate the delivery of the meds that pop out at you from a heavy duty dispensing box. A bit like getting a bar of chocolate only much more secure. Any time of day.. simple.

And convenient .

I then suggested to T that we sit by the river where the air might be a little cooler. It was a good move, and we picked up H from home to give her an airing too. Her first walk was so long ago, i think she had forgotten it. There were few boats cruising, but plenty of paddle boarders.


I found it difficult to get to sleep due to the heat, and so was restless, but by 02.30, it was cooler. By 03.30 I needed a covering.

Thought for the Day

Thoughts re Azogires … are we getting the whole truth…?

The latest news from Azogires seems dire. The ‘contractors’ seem set on destroying the mountainside and blocking the river. That scenic waterfall can no longer be accessed. The dynamiting was supposed to stabilise a dangerous bit of mountainside. But locals insist they have targeted the wrong place. The danger was further up the road towards Asfendiles. But various people are contacting MEPs etc.

The local authority is either useless or in league with the contractor. Maybe. I don’t really understand it. But locals have lost land, olive trees, buildings etc. Never mind noise and dust and are now living in a dead end where the river is no more and there will be flooding and destruction where the old bridge and olive mill are. Drone pics:

I can’t relate the pics to each other but it gives the general idea.

No more

I am wondering if these shots of the rocks by the road above the waterfall show the reason for the dynamiting. Perhaps there is justification for it. But not for the way it has been carried out. Time will tell, I suppose.

A quandary presents itself as to what to believe.






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