Premier Inn
Despite going to bed in the early hours, and despite thick blackout curtains, I was still awake around 05.00. I drifted in and out of sleep over the next couple of hours before starting the long nag to get T up. This room was on also floor 10, as it was before we left for Greece. Only this time, we had a view across runways instead of an internal courtyard. Everything was very silent so the insulation must be good. Everything was also very grey. And depressing.
I didn’t like the aircon. I awoke with a stuffy nose and a prickly eye, which later became an itchy eye. I was also a bit too warm , but I was too disorientated to adjust it.
During the hotel checkin, I discovered we had breakfasts booked. I hoped to time it all neatly for the car pick up which was what happened, very smoothly. The car gleamed, having been valeted. I hardly recognised it.
We journeyed smoothly, avoiding any congestion and arrived at Avalon kennels to pick up H. Was she pleased to see us? I think so! Just a bit, judging by all the wagging and all the squeaking. She was a good girl and apparently did not join in all the barking. I missed her dreadfully, but it us good to know to know of a secure place where we can leave her, and where she will survive. Emergencies and all that.
We intended to take her for a walk and I felt rather guilty because I had slumped into a deep sleep . In fact, when I woke up, I could not work out what time of day it was.
Before allowing myself the luxury of a sleep, I had put washing on and watered the plants and sorted passports and documents etc. Amongst other things.
The day sort of disappeared. It is so lovely having our doggy back. I missed her so much. I may have already mentioned that. I could pretend she represents sanity in our household, but she shares a few potty traits with her twin brother. Why bark at our neighbours and their 4 dogs every time they go for a walk and not at all at all those dogs in kennels?? (aka hotels)
I’m in quite a muddle over timings. Maybe I was / am a bit jet lagged. Though time changes don’t normally conflict with my body clock.
As for T, he slept and then finally arose around 19.00, and took a second shower of the day, because he thought it was breakfast time.
H has loafed around enjoying her outside space.
It has been a warm day with no rain in the forecast. We will probably be enjoying a hose pipe ban by the end of the week.
A couple of late photos…

Thought for the Day

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