Clan Take Over

Well – what a sleep! More or less from yesterday, after our meal out, to this morning, with a short interval to hear the Lionesses win the Euros.
I even missed sunrise for the first time since being here.

T got up early, no nagging, no desire to shower. He just decided to stay dirty and smelly and sweaty. So we were at brekkie about an hour earlier than usual. In the meantime, Tina said she would join us around 10.00 with Apassia in tow. V would drop them off on the way to his surgery. Rupert has Tina’s car at the moment.

And that was what happened. We sat around the pool throughout the day, joined by various bits of the family for rounds of drinks, coffees and beers etc. The Illis departed for their next destination, towards Sounion ; and the rest of us including V ( eventually) ate a meal.

It turned out that V was known to the owner of the hotel because he is their doctor- it is a family hotel. We did not know this until V arrived. It suited us all better to stay here than be ferried back and forth from the house.

Aspassia ( limited English) amused herself with T’s Grumpy Ol Git’s puzzles book. There are some visual items which require no English.

I dipped in and out of the pool. Pen took T for a walk and reminded him that we could not (easily) bring rocks back home. No sticks in sight, luckily. She also did a few puzzles with him.

I think Tina has a better understanding of T’s problems having spent several hours in his company.

DCR was not feeling too well today. V gave him the once over in our hotel room. He has a slight temperature but didn’t want one of my LF tests.

oops! father and daughter
Brother and sister
The clan

The hotel has been very quiet today. Just perfect .

The Roberts finally departed as did Tina and Aspassia.

T and I returned upstairs to tidy ourselves up. We slipped out for a pizza later this evening.

I tried to do some preliminary packing, stuffing as much as possible into the hold bag. The hotel receptionist confirmed that they have a room where we can leave our bags and we can use the pool and other facilities.

I think we leave here about 17.30 tomorrow. And our flight is at 20.30. Another night in the Hatwick Premier Inn beckons. or maybe its the Gatwick version.

T seems to be unpacking things as fast as I pack them which is not very helpful. I need to watch battery life too.

03.56 Tuesday – update- very interrupted sleep. I just want the day to be over!

Thought for the day






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