Despite going to bed around 02.30, I still woke up around 05.00. Albeit briefly. I dozed off again before picking up the nagging process to get T up for brekkie.
Living with someone who requires constant reminders/ nags is very stressful because it leads to constant uncertainty and nothing, absolutely nothing, is straight forward.
No matter, we made it to brekkie. Once eaten, we practised the usual routine of letting it settle, whilst sitting poolside, and later, taking a dip.
Today, there was less wind and it was much warmer by the pool. A quick peak over the fence revealed a smoother sea, but there was still a fair amount of unwelcome debris floating around.
The absence of wind also meant that the very large parasols could be opened up providing welcome pool side shade. I sank into the comfort of the sunbed mattress underneath one, and started to while away the morning and catch up on sleep missed due to the late night.
The morning passed with swims etc.
Just as a certain peckiness was making itself felt, the gang were texting to organise a lunch together. It was after 04.00 that they had arrived back.
They arrived at a recommended restaurant close to the hotel where we enjoyed a massive lunch together. T announced he wanted meat. I ordered him a pork chop but it was half a pig that arrived. He had already eaten the equivalent of a decent meal from fava and salad etc. It was chopped up and shared around.

We had asked T and V to join us for lunch but Tina had been too busy mopping floors over and over again, and Vangelis had read a book to get back his equilibrium, while she worked. Rupert had compounded things by appearing from wherever he was now staying, and walking all over the newly mopped floors. Or so the story went. Anyway, they were both quite justifiably exhausted.
The wedding was amazing. But organised by R and Y and I don’t suppose T and V felt any sort of control. Shared communication does not seem to be a strong point in the Greek part of the McG clan They were treated to processions of unknown bodies, visiting, with some staying overnight. People requiring feeding at ungreek times because they stayed in their own local times. eg US
I was so pleased we were well out of it. And not having a car kept us even further out of it all.
The hotel busied up and there was some intrusive noise in the pool area ( loud chatter) so I was glad to escape for lunch.
We waved goodbye to the family gang as they explored the harbour and beach and we looked down on them from our room.

I had a disturbed moment when the aircon seemed to have given up, when I awoke after another doze. A little judicious twiddling with dials, and it was revived.
The England Lionesses appear to have roared their way to victory – well done to them! Boys – it is your turn next!
Thought for the Day
It’s nearly over! Airports etc tomorrow afternoon.
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