Wedding report will prob be a separate post or tomorrow. It is going to be a late night.
I was recognized as a swimmer. By a serious swimmer. One who swims a long way in the sea. He paid me compliments! After my 10 lengths or so and said he could tell from my breathing technique.
I was up with the sun as it rose behind the island of Euboia. (Evvia) The sea was a small, still voice of calm at this point, allowing dreamers to dream and sleepers to sleep. And me to get out of bed for a quick photo opportunity.

There was no hurry to get going and I really enjoy the solitude granted on these mornings, as I sit on the balcony looking out sea. The day unfurls itself as the sun takes control and the seascape reveals itself after hiding during the hours of darkness.
T arose slowly to drown himself in the shower and I donned swim gear, which I disguised, for brekkie. Not to eat, you understand, mischievous reader, but to wear whilst I ate. ie board shorts and a top.
The wind had also arisen by now and was busy making mincemeat of the sea. we can work out the strength of the wind from the flight of the Greek flag opposite.
So, like the last two mornings, today was another in the same mould. Brekkie, swims , lunch, snooze. Evenings – off out.
A little flotilla of sailing boats was busy sailing, somewhat bumpily, with an accompanying flotilla of motorised boats. Presumably to assure their safety.
Sun kissed and wind tossed.
T managed not to wear his new sandals, but did manage to remove his socks. Eventually. We were rattled by the wind on sunbeds which gave T a two tone face colour.

Following lunch, ( I opted not to join family as we would have had to have got there, by taxi, and back, would have had no snooze and would have been short of time, ) just too much to manage with T – who doesn’t understand or comply or get a move on, when asked.
Following lunch, it was time to snooze, and prepare. T suggested we were in Morocco when he awoke.
Neither took very long, once T was persuaded to pour himself into his clothes.
The wedding details follow in another post.
My plan is to tell the tail through pics and captions.
Thought for the Day
It’s been a very long day. Almost 24 hours long. I awoke soon after 05,00, Back to bed around 03.00.
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