Today dawned grey and fairly miserable. I felt very miserable as I greeted little H with our usual morning exchange. She didn’t know, and I did, that she was going on holiday today to her own luxury hotel.
I will miss her so much. And I know she will miss us. There was no sweet sorrow about our parting. Just a few tears on my part. Soppy bugger that I am. I just hope she outlives me.
It felt like a last supper, but it was a last walk before I took her to her hotel. I thought about it a bit and remembered she survived departing Crete on an aeroplane and coming to live with us. She will have lots of doggies to bark at and no one will tell her to be quiet.
T was still asleep when I arrived home. But he sorted himself out quite quickly. Most of the luggage was sorted apart from last minute stuff like electrical items. I added a little tasteful decoration to our luggage, in yellow acrylic paint so it can be easily identified.
Unfortunately, T mislaid his spectacles which caused quite a delay.
I eventually found them hanging off a storage box in the utility room.
The plants had a final watering, but no rain is in the forecast so I don’t hold out much hope for their survival.
I sprayed the bay trees with nutrients and anti disease spray. Their leaves are going a spotty brown colour. Not very healthy.
I caught T out smuggling a knife in a leather sheath into the car. He had attached it to his belt. Goodness knows what was going on in his mind. Airport security would have loved that.
I’ve also saved a screenshot of an X-ray of knee replacements so I can preempt trouble at the body scanner. Perceived wisdom is to tell the staff before you get scanned. The trouble it caused last time was more than enough…
The journey to Gatwick was tedious and slow on the M25. Just congestion. The handover to Purple Parking was straight forward, as was Premier Inn check in. The corridors were stiflingly hot but the room (10th floor) was just right.
We were booked in for a meal at 20.00 so had a little time to while away because we had arrived just before 18.00. T seemed very happy with all the arrangements and with his evening meal. There is nothing worse than a grumpy T who is in moan mood.

In fact, for such a huge busy hotel, I congratulate Premier Inn on their operations. I had paid some ‘special’ price for a voucher for the evening meal and brekkie tomorrow. Good value I think.
The morning will bring no rush. We have to vacate our room by 11.00 and the flight is not until 14.40, but a 2 1/2 hour check in is required. So we will see if we can do that straight away and fritter time in shops etc. I have charged up the tracker and have sunflower lanyards at the ready.
England is close to being under drought regulations due to the extreme lack of rain. The worst since 1976 apparently. The year Ali was born so I remember it well. We spent a chunk of the summer at Tywyn enjoying Mediterranean days and seas. And in the mountains the springs ran dry and the waters of Llyn Clywedog Reservoir were many many metres below their normal height. The Tal y Llyn hotels had no water at all.
The Lionesses are on their way to the Final of the Euros after a magnificent 4-0 victory over Sweden.
The latest debate between the Plank and SuperRichy was called off because it was all too much for the presenter who fainted.
Update – Weds am – T has just asked where we are and why we are where we are !
Thought for the Day

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