All over the place today

Another early wake up but at least I had made up for the previous night during Sunday.
I had a fair bit to do today so it was good that T was fairly compliant about getting up.

I had Lena to get to English only it was all a bit more complex today.

Timur had a day out at Beale Park so that helped Lena manage her English lesson now the school holidays are upon us. He required taking there, but Dave did that, in the end. She will probably enjoy having the house to herself. Timur loves Minnie.

T’s lumps and bumps look sore/ it is better not to mention them.

Having deposited Lena and T at their different destinations, H and I followed yet another new route in and around Cholsey. We were not really lost. Well not seriously. We just couldn’t find a way off the footpath and back to the Rec without back tracking.


The original plan was for H and Minnie and H to go into a posh dog hotel together, but the Ukrainian presence has changed that. Unfortunately, Heidi’s recent and dangerous escapades, running away over busy roads to the Rec means she will enjoy a hotel stay on her own. Lena had offered to take her but we both thought the risks were too great. And it wouldn’t be fair on Lena if she buggered off again. It would stress me out.

I inspected her doggy hotel a few months ago and it is very fine with lots of play space, but I know she will not be happy. It makes me unhappy too, I feel as though I am betraying her.

The whole family is quite snowed under with getting ourselves organised for our up coming trip. The Illingworths, back from Devon yesterday, now have a particularly complicated time because Fleur will be at Nottingham from tonight with her national hockey tournament; Dave and George will visit his parents in Leeds; then after all the hockey, they all go straight to Luton on Friday to fly to Athens. Pen and Dave fly out the same day from elsewhere. The family return a day or two after us, depending upon whether you are a Roberts or an Illi. As soon as they are back, the Illis have a day at the Commonwealth Games. Phew!

Pen is busy trying to sell off the old kitchen in their new property. It is pretty grim.
She is also working on her new MA assignment which is dementia based. She has lots of ideas, but I added one in, based on something Cretan Chris once said. Well… many more times than once.

‘That ship has sailed.’ Pen has done some amazing sketches, based on our (T and I) journey through life, to go with this concept. Watch this space!

The final sketch as a taster based on a wedding photo

I have had little direct communication about arrangements in Greece – all second or third hand – eg that our presence may be expected chez Tina on the Thursday for meal/s which may include Yoko’s parents. News to me! It could be a bit much for T. And all the McGeorge group may be there on the Friday evening.

Hopefully we will be able to spend time in the hotel without having to constantly entertain or be entertained. When a lot is going on, T gets easily flustered or stressed.

I achieved quite a lot this morning. I was hoping to take two cabin bags and small rucksack and one hold bag. I tried the too-large wheelie bag as the hold bag but rejected it in favour of a bigger one. This was partly to reduce the weight in the cabin bags so we stood a chance of lifting them into the lockers without knocking ourselves out if we struggled with them.

The afternoon was also going quite well but then I had to go and meet T. We had a conversation with one of the Day Care staff – a lovely Slovakian lady. I described our visit in 1992 or thereabouts, where we stayed near Poprad and the High Tatra. We advised her on holidaying in Crete. Slovakians always seem surprised that anyone has been there!

It rained! Briefly.

I used some fridge left overs to concoct a fairly disgusting supper.

Then I watched Tory leadership contenders the Plank vs SuperRichy (Very Rich Man) batter chunks out of each other in a debate. The BBC cunningly stuck their expert oars in to query misconceptions the two WBPM’s ’ s seemed to have. Misconceptions that suit their personal agendas. What I stand for / I believe … I am God’s Gift .., versus Come off it, You cannot be serious… I think they are both poisonous . At least they are guaranteed to lose the election. I hope.

Thought for the Day






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