The sun, right hand bottom corner and the arrow pointing to Gavdos ( it disappeared when I removed the masking tape)all need work.
For those of you who know our corner of Crete, what symbolism can you spot?
I had a really good sleep on the slope until some silly o’clock when I awoke and used the time to check out our parking arrangements and other admin stuff for our travel next week.
Time passed and so I flexed, showered and walked H along the Wallingford town bit of towpath by Wallingford beach. H used that for a quick paddle before we set off. A few people were beginning to unload some paddle boards etc from cars, and some were enjoying a dip in the nearby, outdoor, seasonal swimming pool.
We walked through the ‘dehydrated’ fields which border the river. It was quite warm – around 10.00 I think. Distant (fortunately) cattle grazed and a few people had escaped the adjacent campsite to exercise themselves and / or their dogs.
Upon our return to Wallingford beach, H had another paddle, this time in the company of human and doggy swimmers, and paddle boarders.

I headed for the Blue Tin cafe to buy a delicacy or two for Tina. I wanted things made locally but which would travel, but not too bulky. Hopefully, I have succeeded. I included a book of recipes from local pubs etc.
Blue Tin was very busy, which surprised me, so early in the morning. But I was reminded, by the rowdy noise that it was the school holidays. It was just as well we visited when we did, because they were about to host their first ever wedding and were closing early. A huge, fancy marquee had been erected in a nearby field with a service tent beside it. It brought back memories of Penny’s wedding.

The harvest is largely well under way- in most places .
I forewent a cup of coffee and cake due to the mini people who were making the place so busy.
Once home, I did nothing for a while. T slept on. And on. And on bit more.
Eventually, sparked by creative images, I decided that I too, would attempt to be creative. The Art classes are aimed at teaching us techniques and how to use materials within a narrow focus. Yes, you can develop your own ideas from their visual aids, but there is not a huge amount of scope for that. Everybody works on the same focus.
So I set about a piece of symbolic, semi-abstract work, using acrylics, based on some of the things we have been taught. It is for T for his birthday.
I had already decided to take a sketchbook and some watercolours away with me. I came across some work on the internet based on visual journeys which I liked. It reminded me a bit of the ‘contents of my handbag’ work we did.

I need to get my arse into gear again tomorrow and make sure we have clean clothing etc to take away. Tony’s new linen wedding trousers landed today, via some courier or other, and actually fit him.
Pen has just returned from a three day/ two night ’Art trip’ to London with 30 Y7,8,9 students – including Tate Modern, Street Art tour, London Eye, London Dungeon, Matilda, Hard Rock Cafe, and various other things. They packed it in!
She only lost one student. And he was having a massive nose bleed during Matilda interval in a first aid toom. Or room.
Update: 06.00 on Sunday. Even sleep stories didn’t help me sleep last night, so I left my slope to work on my painting. At about 04.15, I heard worrying noises emanating from the bedroom. Shower noises. I ignored these unwelcome sounds until I could no longer, when T burst into the kitchen, fully dressed and ’ready to go’ he informed me. ‘Go where?’ I asked, ‘at 05.00?’ I added. I showed him the picture and gave him a quick test on the symbolism which he failed miserably .
I offered him a walk with H but he silentlydeclined.
Thought for the Day

Don’t know why it came up under Google paddle boarding search…
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