Out to tea

A good sleep on the slope. No rain, worthy of mention, fell yesterday evening, which was very disappointing.
I flexed, arose, donned some garments and made an urgent trip to little Tesco in Cholsey, where I stocked up on cleaning solutions, in preparation for the arrival of the clean team. I took H with me and we headed for the river where we strolled along the ankle agony track, returning via the meadows. Various free campers were parked by the river, including an Austrian one occupying the turning circle. Dolts!

It was a pleasantly warm morning, around 24C.

It was a pleasant enough walk too.

Whilst out, I was alerted to the fact that Easyjet had emailed me, in response to an email I had sent. This was enquiring about getting some special assistance. I find it increasingly difficult and stressful getting T from A to B at airports. (And then there is the prospect of losing him) I like to be independent, but anything that helps with scanners and long queues is useful. Also, the walk to the gate on the outward trip presents no problems, but for some reason, on the return trip, the walk to baggage reclaim has been a real problem in the past. Sometimes because we have been dumped with several (3) flights of stairs to negotiate, with our cabin bags, and no lift. Once it was at 02.00. I later complained to the airport authorities, who responded explaining it was what the airline were prepared to pay for. A 1km walk, no lifts at 02.00? No thanks!

Anyway, the upshot of their very nice email confirmed we would be helped to negotiate the airport. From check in to the plane.

But I had to refresh the boarding passes, which had been updated. Could I find the return ones? Only with some difficulty! I trawled through my screen shots and my Apple wallet and my Easyjet itinerary space. Outward passes and copies were all over the place. Inwards were a mystery.

It was not important. Nothing to worry about (yet.)

Next up – hairdresser. My heart sank, T wanted to come with me. No peace for the … righteous? I dumped him in the Village Cafe where the nice lady looked after him and made sure he didn’t escape. He had an AirTag. This works nicely where there is bluetooth contact. ie busy places.

Next, after a short Heidi love-in at home, we were off to Brightwalton to Marie’s house. A Carer’s meet up except Brenda was at her sister’s , Paula couldn’t be arsed, (thank goodness) Dame Sue is probably moving on with her new man, who was off doing something to do with motorbikes. And racing them. Just three of us.

But we had a very enjoyable visit. The two Anthonys chatted to each other very nicely, away from us. We were able to enjoy being in the garden.
Poor Marie, I feel for her. They are cash rich, asset quite poor. They live in a small bungalow ( who doesn’t? Join the club!) which has been their home for over 20 years. Marie is surrounded by ’stuff’ her husband will not let her throw away. It could be seen piled up through a garage window, piled up outside it, ready for a skip. The inside of their home, according to Marie, is a mess of walls lined with books and other detritus that has accumulated over the years. Is this beginning to sound familiar yet?

The garden is huge, and untidy, littered with pots, hose pipe, roughly cut grass, shade, wheel barrows, more junk etc etc. More familiar?

But I felt entirely at home there, being reminded of years gone by, and relieved that we no longer occupy similar spaces. Marie is in the same sort of state of mind I once enjoyed- paralysed into inactivity because she does not know where to begin. And she can’t dispose of ‘stuff’ for the same reason I could not- a husband with dementia called Anthony. She needs an Ali.

It rained heavily for a few minutes as we arrived home. It might have been enough to give the grass something to think about.

I think this busy day has exhausted T as he has retreated to bed at around 19.00. He has Day Care tomorrow.

As for me – I tried a film or two but they held little interest.

Liz Truss is a fruitcake. Charisma be there none. Vote for her and I think people will realise that their prime minister is a plank. Rishi is charisma on speed in comparison. I think he is more grounded. Share your millions Rishi, and our economy would be sorted. Let’s find a real person to run this country please. But who? Where?

Thought for the Day






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