It has been hot. Very hot. Very very hot. 40.2C at Heathrow. That is a new UK record. Previous UK temperature records have been broken in at least 29 places today.
Despite warnings that the night would be very warm – yes it was – but I had a good sleep until about 03.00 o’clock or very silly o’clock. There are plenty of people who were not treated to a comfortable night. Lots in my Art Class. The bedroom is the coolest room in the house once morning has past.
I was just ’there’ after awaking, doing stuff. Not really wanting to return to sleep.
I walked H between 06.00 and 07.00 in the cool shade of the towpath. There were various people-walkers anxious to get their pets’ exercise in early. It was 23C when I set out and 26C when I returned. The warmth was tangible, no sharp edge to the air this morning

I cooled down under a shower, fed T, and prepared for my last Art Class until after Christmas. I have paid my deposit to return. I shall miss the three ladies I have worked with since January. But they are not returning. Not at all.
On my way to Abingdon, I listened to a very interesting podcast by Rory Stewart, on oratory and debate. A loss to the Tory party before the last election . A talent wasted. He referred back to Cicero, and Aristotle, amongst others, and to the training Cicero had. Pathos , logos and ethos came into it somewhere, and techniques to build your points was also a learning point. He used Obama’s ‘Yes We Can’ speech amongst other examples . Quite fascinating. Not much of it in Boris’ playbook. He should have listened to Rory.
By the time I arrived in Abingdon at 09.30, it was already 31C. Thankfully the Abbey Buildings, whilst freezing in winter, are blissfully cool in this Great Heat.
Today’s Art media was acrylics, using perspective, and a limited pallette of colours, and focusding on polytunnels of strawberries. Polytunnels did not really excite me so I used another resource which avoided the polly tunnels.
It is far from finished.
And it is too hot at the back of the house to finish it at the moment. Can’t really paint in the bedroom. The kitchen not only has an oven, it is one.
Returning to the car was painful, getting in it was torture. The thermometer read 38C. Driving along, it rose to 39C. Usually, the temperature drops as you drive along. Not today.
This afternoon has involved keeping still. The bedroom became not that cool, but any movement caused an outbreak of the drips. A cool shower helped.
Stop complaining folks – see 1540

Update: Wednesday morning- its cooler. A lot cooler. I did find sleeping quite tricky last night. We may get a storm later.
Thought for the Day

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