Busy Morning

The Great Heat is inexorably approaching. There is risk to life in the coming days. The warning is a red one. Monday and Tuesday are the deadly days. As I type on this Saturday evening, it is too hot to be outside. However, that was not the case this morning.

My sleep was good enough and I was alert early to be out with Heidi around 05.00. I had to sneak out quietly, into the car, so as not to disturb neighbours. There are a lot of open windows at the moment. The sky was delicately tinged with pink and a big fat moon hung high above. It was 13C, and a sharp edge to the air was a relief. No breeze today.

Opposite – leaving home – moon
Looking towards the Thames

I had chosen Lardon Chase for our walk, mainly because of the views . But that was a mistake. My ankles never like the angled tracks there and the baby bunnies were out in force. The views were not a mistake.

The sun was rising as we arrived and the light was mellow, a gold that had aged, and had taken on a deep orange glow. Returning to the car, the light was more brazen, a tired blond in need of retouching.

Starting out – more moon
Returning to the car – even more moon
Favourite pic

What lies beyond the gate?

Did we meet anyone? No. Only a dead and nibbled fox.

I returned home to give T brekkie and to relax a bit, but it was only for a short while this morning.

Then I took advantage of the hiatus in the heat to deal with my plants in pots and to give the grass a shower. It was quite back breaking work as a lot of pruning and repotting was required. The wheelbarrow was not very cooperative, its tyre is nearly flat and then it got stuck and would not rotate.

Having made an unholy soily mess, I tidied it up and made lunch and took time out.

T remained in bed all day, arising at about 19.00, just in time to rescue the clean washing from my mistreatment of it. I had not folded it according to his exacting expectations .

I have better things to worry about.

The evening arrived and I ventured outside to inspect my morning’s achievements. Outside was not a good place to be. Hot!

Hot dog

Pen and some of the family have already tested out the swimming pool on their new estate. Yesterday they had duscussions with their architect and builder.

I cooked up potatoes and other veg for supper, along with a few prawns. We were to enjoy it as a TV supper. T got up mid meal and disappeared for an hour or so, doing… who knows what…winding up my bed side charging cables again amongst other things. He had stopped doing this for a few months but has started up again. I opened up the windows he was busy closing , only to become the target of a verbal barrage.

I reminded him about his supper, which contributed to a snarl. He would have it for breakfast. That old refrain. Two minutes later, his better humour had returned and he ate his ’breakfast.’

Thought for the Day

Now I understand what T keeps
working on






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