Another good sleep with my just post-dawn wake up.
I knew another early walk would be required in order to give H some reasonably comfortable exercise. It was scheduled to be hot again.
I flexed. If I don’t do a little of this, my walk becomes a stagger. At the start, anyway. Then H and I headed towards Ferry Lane, Cholsey.
At around 06.30, it was another beautiful morning. 21C. Only 2/3 vehicles were parked up when we arrived. One was a camper. Such vehicles are often to be found there – a free stopover for kayakers in this case. There is an annoying Motorhome which is spending a lot of nights in Cholsey layby. There are better places to overnight.
Our walk was very lovely and we met a few people, who were either jogging, or being exercised by their dog.
H was able to paddle and keep generally busy.

Once home, I prepared brekkie, no croissants today, because the croissant baker lady was poorky. Or even poorly. I did briefly consider, taking up a permanent residence in the little shack that is the filling station. It is an air- conditioned shack. Even at 07.30, it provided welcome relief.
I needed a rest after all this activity. So I had one.
It was time to water the plants. Annoyance – I couldn’t turn the outside tap, to which the hose is attached, in either direction. I had used it yesterday. No problem. Meddling hands had clearly been at work.
I reported it to my Mr Fixit ( break it) in the hope he could use a little brute force .
When I ventured outside later, I found him sunning himself in the shed and the plants had been watered. Very strange. Not only because he had remembered my request, but also because the tap was still firmly struck – but in the ’on’ position. The water supply was controlled by the hose watering adapter spray. Houston- we have a problem. But in this case, I will start with WD 40 or DW 40. It’s one or the other.
I hosed the new grass. None of the grass looks healthy, but I know rain will bring it back to life. Hopefully the new grass will recover too. At least I don’t need to mow it. Unfortunately there is no rain in the forecast for at least a week.
It was time to leave for Abingdon and another dose of Art. It was a mix of people from different classes. The theme was the seaside and figure drawing. I chose to do Evie in a gymnastic pose from her trip to Crete a few years ago . rather than a toddler with a bucket and spade. She is not positioned correctly. And the proportions aren’t quite there. And ss fir the clouds! Then there is the sea!

The evening drew on. T did not eat all his deliciousness with which I presented him. I wonder if H will enjoy mushroom risotto.
I may have fallen asleep on the sofa.
Now, as for the Tory party leadership contest, aka hunt for the new leader of the monkey house. Sadly, the current senior leadership pool on offer is full of Boris sycophants. As is the HOC – new MPs in 2019 had to be Boris sycophants. Despite having knifed him in the back. I would like to think a new leader would not be contaminated by Boris’ warped thinking or morality. I personally would like to brush the lot of them out of the way.
However, our new PM will be chosen in a final ballot of 100 000 conservative party members. The final two to remain on the list after MPs have had first dibs. I hope those 100 000 voters show some sense. Though it maybe too late for that. Hopefully all the lying and laziness and obfuscation are behind us.
Thought for the Day

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