
I slept well apart from being woken up by a stuffy nose. This is not unusual. I usually spray it and that sorts it. The flatter bed probably helped after Istuffed pillows underneath the mattress yesterday.
I flexed , peered outside the window to note grey skies. Memo to self: don’t lie around too long, great heat is forecast.

I walked H around the feet of the clumps whilst contemplating the ascent but it was already quite warm, and , after initial exploratory running, H was happy to be sitting around panting. And also, I only had crocs on my feet. Or those are my excuses. Nice walk though.


We came home.

I received a text from Ali explaining :

F is not well and probably won’t be fit enough to play in the final selection hockey matches tomorrow.

Various of her friends have gone down with Covid for the second time, though she is currently negative.
This doubt about her poorliness has meant Rupert and Yoko have postponed their weekend visit.

A friend of the Illis was beaten up at Henley Festival yesterday night. Unprovoked. Head butted and punched. After a Tom Jones Concert. Security eventually agreed to summon police. Ali got a clout too. The offender is now in custody.
As he tried to defect the blame , Ali reminded him of exactly what he had done and why he was in custody, whereupon he shut up. She may have mentioned he was in the presence of a solicitor. And that she was perfectly aware of which of the things he did that were unlawful.

Too many head injuries to people I know of are going on at the moment.

At least, Cretan Chris seems to be on the mend.

The rest of the day passed with a trip to Cobbs, a local, expensive farm shop. A wasted trip because it did not have what I wanted. And it cost me money. I was looking to top up the Cook Ready meals but they do not sell them any more. Their selection of fruit and veg is not as good as it used to be and is very overpriced.
The ’homemade’ quiche I bought was tasteless and flabby. No texture. perhaps that is why I do not like quiche very much. No texture. I do not know why I bought it! T ate his though. Waitrose do a better job. Probably for half the price.

It has been very hot today and the three of us have spent too much time lounging around. T was dressed in a thick winter sweater, for some reason, which I suggested he abandon.

TV was oozing with Wimbledon – ladies final and ladies footy later. The ladies final winner is of Russian origin- via Tajikistan – Russians were banned. None of it is for me so I sort of watched Midsomer Murders.

Of course, much of it is filmed locally, extensively in Wallingford, (Causton) and also Dorchester as well as many other local villages.

Politics is less frenetic. Some ridiculous no-hopers are intending to run to replace Biris. None of whom interest me. Bring back Rory Stewart. I don’t suppose the Tory voters will worry if the hopefuls are dripping in millions and experts in tax avoidance, which at least two of them are.
Apparently Boris is indulging in a big sulk of Trumpian proportions.

Thought for the Day






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