Slept like a log. A wooden one. Flexed and forgot to stop the workout. Fell asleep again until after 07.00.
Up quickly now and the long nag started to get T up and out to daycare.
The day greeted me with a blue sky and great warmth. I managed to prize T out of bed and, later, out of his puffy gilet before I dropped him off.
H and I headed straight for the river diwn Cholsey Ferry Lane, where paddle boards and kayaks were being unloaded. I love this walk, but the track is an ankle jarring, narrow, tripping zone. The Thames was very serene, an olive green pool, moving nowhere. Tiny insects fluttered and swooped through the sunlight, in and out of the reeded areas.
And after their swoops, they ate me. Viciously. You

Boats, long, thin, wide, squat, silent, motored, were paddled, and otherwise plied their way through the limpid waters. H also paddled and stood in them, cooling herself .
I didn’t have time to waste, I had washing to hang up, the bed to wrestle with, plants to water, my seating to organise. Brenda was scheduled to chat at 16.30 and I had a date out this evening. And T to pick up.

I was quite knackered by the time I finally sat down. There was some tennis to watch. And that was after all the other chores.
I felt a bit sorry for T when I arrived home with him. The fridge was brutally empty. Or maybe that should be virtually. Not much choice in the way of nibbles there.
I had quite a chat with Brenda, whose sister has taken a turn for the worse after her concussion two weeks ago. (Update: after a 6 hour wait in Llanelli A and E : they found, what Coventry hospital omitted to find, two weeks ago, a hole in her head that was now too late to stitch, and had brought on a raging infection, requiring intravenous antibiotics)
T was rewarded with a very delicious home-made egg sandwich for his tea, but that was obviously inadequate because he had all but eaten the whole of the remaining block of cheese by the time I arrived home after my date with Sue and Jane.
The pub I/we had chosen this week was unbelievably busy. It has a vast amount of outside space with masses of tables which were all occupied. Luckily, I had booked but the number of walk ins meant we had to wait an hour for our food and at least three dishes were off the menu. Annoying. it was also quite noisy inside.
But Jane and Sue liked the venu by the Kennet. We chose not to go to Ecchinswell, because it was the current management’s last night there before handing over to new people. I felt the pub would be stuffed with locals saying farewell to Laura and her husband. They turned the pub round, after several different managers, into a going concern with just the right offerings.
Thought for the Day

What a banana!
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