Almost, but not quite, kicked out of being in charge. He is no longer leader of the Conservative (and Unionist) Party. But is still prime minister . Sadly.
Two main decisions lie ahead for Tory MPs.
- Let Boris act on as PM until a new one is elected. (various views on this and whether he can be trusted)
- Appoint an interim PM to run the country until a new one is in place.
Not forgetting … - (Boris might choose to run again as PM because he thinks the general population of Tory voters will back him) . He thinks he personally won the mandate in the last election.
Poor deluded individual.
Anyway there was lots of extended news this morning, much of which was quite rivetting. And fast moving or changing.
Zorah and co arrived so the house got a clean going over.
I took H for a quick dash to the Rec. By now, it was quite hot after a cooler and cloudy start.
T was up, but very silent. And he remained silent for much of the day. I sort of lost touch with the day as it passed .
There was some discussion as to whether it was us or Dave who should meet Fleur after a late return to school following her rounders match. It was us but it became Dave after a late rethink.
T and I had decided to give H a better walk down by the river. In the end, it was not better, more smelly perhaps, but not a long one. This was mainly due to T whinging and moaning, and it was hot, very hot. H had every opportunity to swim, but the river had deeper entry points and paddling was not an option. As we know, she is a paddler, not a swimmer.
We enjoyed coffee and ice cream by the river as a party of Japanese arrived for a wedding reception. At least, I presume that is what it was owing to the presence of a bride and groom. It was supplemented by a large white coach full of Europeans. The Japanese looked like penguins, dressed in formal black and white gear. The Europeans were a mess, dressed down in European wedding gear – shorts and T-shirts.

Following enjoying our coffee break at the Swan, we went up to the Illis for a cup of tea. Lena was busy cooking Timur’s tea. They seem quite settled now – Timur is also doing English lessons – zoom ones out from Ukraine. For children his age.
Once home, there were various ominous noises from the shed. I will discover outcomes tomorrow.
Thoughts for the Day

Food for thought!
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