I slept like a log- on the sofa until some silly hour of the morning and finished off in bed. A brief awakening around 05.00 and later around 07.00.
T was not interested in getting up or waking up or doing anything that was not in bed.
So H and I ventured out on our own to familiar territory. Castle Meadows. It was a pleasant enough out there, warm enough. Sunny/ cloudy. H ran and sniffed. I did not do the same. I walked and inhaled the air.
Annoyingly, on the way there, a tyre pressure warning light appeared. The last thing I was expecting. I knew where a filling station was where I could check the pressures. But I chose to walk H first.
I only noticed one steer at the Meadows. I’m not sure if it was the one that got away, or if the others were lurking furtively in some secret hideaway.

I also checked tyre places in Wallingford and found there were two, both quite nearby. But then everything is nearby in Wallingford, it is not a large place.

I headed for the filling station, read the instructions for putting air into tyres, paid with my phone, let most / some of the air out of the tyres and decided my incompetence was such that I needed an expert to take over.
The expert was tucked away discretely behind the filling station. The expert smiled kindly at my stupidity and inflated my tyres properly. And then warned me that with such high tech cars, a high tech solution was sometimes needed to disable the warning light.
He could be right. I’ve read the high tech gobble de gook in the handbook and have decided I will attack it again tomorrow. Brain fog has descended.
I then decided to watch some tennis which has been keeping me ticking over during the afternoon though I suspect the results will go the wrong way .
I was wrong! A Brit is through to the male semi finals.
A long call with Ali followed. It seems that R and Y will visit over the weekend. Bit of a clash there – F has a very important hockey day on Sunday.
The evening became a bit febrile as far as politics are concerned. How many lives has Boris got? More than a cat anyway . I’m sure he cannot hang in there much longer.
It was quite exciting for a while – the Beeb postponed the early evening news, due to the excitements at Wimbledon. So the tennis carried on dominating the airwaves. Then the corp changed its mind, reinstating the news mid-match.
Update- Wednesday morning… still quite febrile.
Thought for the Day – for Boris

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