A Battered Friend

Another up and downer of a night. Until around 05.00 and then 07.00. T snoozed on. Or maybe, I should say, snored on.

All the usual stuff happened until H and I left to trail around Castle Meadows. It was not a very beautiful day at that time of the morning. (09.00) But the day held promise and was not cold.
The steers were lurking and pooing and mooing. We took avoidance measures.

By the time I arrived home, I knew Anne would be arriving soon for our 13,00 lunch at the B and W. And I was not wrong. We enjoyed a cup of coffee in the garden before setting off.

It was around now that I realised all was not well with our friend at Grammeno. Chris’ activity data on his watch was giving me odd readings… early activity was as normal but his cycle ride was an unusual length and tracking him revealed he was on his way to Chania. All the way to the hospital. Where he spent a chunk of the day.

He had had a nasty accident on his bike, or, more accurately, as he fell off his bike, requiring medical attention and stitches etc. The Greeks are to be congratulated on the speed and treatment he received, so he says. My thoughts go out to him. At least he is mainly battered, as opposed to broken.

The B and W offered the usual very pleasant ambience and very delicious food. We sat inside by a wide open window. All the decent outdoor tables were occupied by earlier arrivals. The car park was spewing out cars in all sorts of unwelcome places. So a busy lunchtime service was underway. We wandered back up the lane to Underhill and it was time for Anne to return home to pick up Daisy.

The river was busy with boats cruising up and down and with paddle boarders. And there was a pleasant background murmur.

I had a quick chat with much battered Chris before drifting into Wimbledon and from there into another world. He has had a painful, difficult time, but remains positive.

I was horrified to discover it was not 17.00 but around 20.00 when I awoke. Almost proper bed time!
But then it had been after 18.00 when I fell asleep. Time shift problems!

Lena and Timur have had a good day trip to Bath. Oxford two weeks ago, that is two of our most beautiful cities ticked off.

Timur and Ukrainian friend
Lena and Ukrainian friend

The evening passed. The meddling gingers have reorganised the contents of the fridge again. Puzzling though, is not the disappearance of the packets of grapes, nor the missing plums. But what is mysterious, is the half eaten packet of preprepared mediterranean vegetables for oven roasting. All nicely drizzled in herbs and oil. I suppose it’s not much different from a salad.

Thought for the Day

For Chris






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