
It was another up and downer of a night. Awake around 05.00 but not bouncing to get going. Flexed and fell asleep again which caused my workout to run on. And on. And on a bit more.

T was very unlively so, having tidied the car yesterday, it was the turn if the fridge today. I heaved out various lots of left overs that T had tucked away in hidden corners. I also chucked out various manky bits of cheese and other rank items that T left uncovered .
The fridge now appeared to be very empty and clean because I evicted crumbs and fragments of veg or herbs. No hiding places now.
The weather was very unappealing… not doggy walking weather at all. H seemed to agree with me.

We busied ourselves domestically. Or I did. The rubbish was next to receive my attention. It was in its usual muddle but I have abandoned all hope of ever getting it under my control.
H and I took a stroll towards the Rec but cut it short due to a shower.

Later, we eventually made it out into the grey gloom, which was also persistently damper by now, as rain spat down from the sky. We headed for Castle Meadows where I found a car annoyingly parked across the turning circle. Idiot!

The rain slowly seeped into H’s fluff and into my skin. So we did not hang around.

I called in at Lidl to replenish fruit and veg.

Then I returned to watch two tennis players both of Greek heritage beating each other up at Wimbledon. Tsitsipas – proper Greek, and Kyrgios, a nasty, ill – tempered, bully —Australian, but with a greek father. He uses all sorts of unsportsman-like tactics. Its a shame Kyrgios can’t fix his temperament because he plays well. And is exciting to watch .

The rest of the day dragged on punctuated by heavy rain. It might revive the grass.

Thought for the Day

Eastern Europe is coming to Lidl.







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