Wet Botty

It was an up and downer of a night, final full awakening around 05.00 and then trying to sneak a bit more sleep.

I needed to keep an eye on the clock, as needs musted get T to Day Care on time. His preparations started early, not requiring much nagging, and so he was ready with 30 minutes to spare. We are always running late or early. Even being early brings its stresses. ie once he is ready, he wants to depart, failing to understand that there is a fixed ‘arrival from: ‘ time.

Once I had dropped T, Houdini and I walked at Little Wittenham. In the big field which is still full of long meadow grass and wild flowers. H could barely contain her excitement as she bounced through the grasses hunting out smaller creatures, It was warm and I had to remove various clothing items. The sun beat down between the puffy white blobs..

The insects H missed found me, not sure whether to sting me or take chunks out of me, both of which hurt in equal measure. And irritated. I was trying to slap parts of me that I could not reach.

And then there was the wet botty. It was not wet when I parked it on the edge of an animal drinking trough . A trough that was quite full of water. I was wearing a dress. Unbeknownst to me, the dress had trailed in the water.

I was puzzled by my apparent incontinence as we moved away. The wet dresses slapped my backside and wet trickled down my legs. Most disturbing. Luckily there was no one close enough to observe this embarrassment.

Mallow I think – pink musk
More wild flowers – chicory blue

At home, I reintroduced myself to the Miele, and tried to vacuum up the mess inside the car, which, despite my best efforts, was full of sand as well as T’s rocks and various bits of litter and biscuit crumbs. The latter made me particularly annoyed because I saw him sweep the crumbs off his clothes on the way back from Devon.

The car had been a crumb free zone until then. No food allowed within it. Just a home for dead vegetation, sticks and rocks.

Once done, I relaxed watching Wimbledon, and saw Heather Watson defeat a Slovenian player. I’m not a particular tennis or Wimbledon fan. But, this year a few British players are hanging in there.

I collected T who came home and hid in bed. The weather had taken another unreliable turn. But H was out for the count.


Biris took an awfully long time to ditch Chris Pincher who really had no future as a whip. Loyalty is one thing as long as it is not misplaced. Misplaced in a drunken sycophant, who thinks its acceptable to insert his grubby hands where they are not wanted. Ugh. When will B ever learn some sort of morality? Silly question. Silly me. Allowing the bullies, the liars to get away with immoral and corrupt behaviour allows him to do the same.

Why on earth should he want a general election now? When Tory ratings are on a slippery downward slide. The answer is: he does not. Another whisper that won’t die.
Perhaps he has been told his time as PM is in its death throes. And in true, deluded Biris fashion, thinks Jo Public will stick by him.

They might. They seem pretty stupid.

But he is playing a waiting game … Waiting for Starmer and Rayner to be found to have flouted the law. Then, with Labour without a leader, Boris will be in there.

Starmer is something of a disappointment. Rayner is a lively and eloquent firecracker. I would be sorry to see her go,

Thought for the Day

Poor ball






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