In Recovery

Slept well on the sloping bed. But I’m wondering if the neck and back ache I am suffering relate to the slope. It all starts off wonderfully well and after an hour or two or three. I find myself sliding towards the edge of the bed. And then I have to roll over which is alright for a while. Can’t be good for the mattress either.

Anyway, after all the excitement and stress of yesterday evening, I was pleased to be anticipating a day without commitments.

Any commitments were garden based, once I had walked Houdini.
H had short shrift from me today – a trot to the Rec and back.

The local area had avoided any deluges such as the Devon one, and my plants were dehydrated. I couldn’t decide whether to mow the grass first or water the plants. A notification informed me of an imminent rain shower, so I trimmed the edges of yge lawn with shears, and then mowed the parched and spiky grass. In the absence of the expected rain shower, I also watered it. The plants were watered later. In the rain.

And then the rain fell heavily for about five minutes. And this was the pattern for the day. Not enough rain to do any good, but enough if you ended up caught out in it, which seemed to happen every time I sat outside.

Warm outside in the sun, or wet, chilly in the house.

I dealt with some admin matters . And caught up with the last episode of Sherwood, and Wimbledon. And then there was The Man in the Hat.

This film is amazing. It is more of an art film. A largely silent film of cameos with certain common threads running through it. The music and landscapes are stunning – France at its best. French life at its best. Whimsical / funny / nonsensical / but then it all comes together in a surprising way. It was an ’accidental’ watch on Amazon Prime. A really brilliant film. Even T enjoyed it. Probably because it seemed disjointed like everything else in his life.

Thought for the Day






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