The Curious Incident of the Cows in the Daytime

Nice sleep. When I woke up, I had over two hours to get T up and ready for Daycare. It was only just about long enough.

I did all the usual stuff and loaded T into the car and deposited him in Cholsey. Drop and dash is what I call it.

Thereafter, H and I took a walk at Castle Meadows. There was quite a lot of noise as we passed through the gate. Cow sort of noise. The overcast sky hinted at rain, perhaps that was the reason for all the fuss. I couldn’t actually see any cattle. But I could certainly hear them.

So, H and I walked in and around the meadows, and then we came upon the cows. Young and frisky ones. Noisy ones, who kept changing their minds about which clumps of grass they wanted to chew.
With their whimsical mood in mind, I clipped H onto the lead and we walked towards a lower bench.

I sat on the lower bench, for a short spell, and then we headed for the higher one and gazed at the Thames through the leafy branches. This was all going swimmingly until I realised H was straining at the lead and I heard heavy breathing behind me.

We were surrounded by about 8 or 9 beautiful brown and white cows. They were very up close and personal and fanned themselves around my bench. Their nostrils were flared; their eyes wide and interested, their two toes were all shiny and very clean. They were just a bit too interested in us for my liking. H did not like them at all and uttered a couple of squeaky barks. The bovines/ cattle/ beasts were not too keen on her squeaks.
But there was a calm parting of the ways as the cattle shuffled away after H and I strode boldly off.

We escaped and returned home to p and q. No need to wonder where T was or what be rustling sounds meant. Just myself and H who was well splayed out on the grass.

I had intended to do more on the dreaded AA form. But I was distracted by the need to book some travel items to do with the various trips we have coming up over the next few months.

All this took a very long time, complicated by having to use the new debit card, whose number is not stored in my personal memory cells. The old one was memorised and I still have not received the new one. It was mentally very taxing. And I found my respite time had all but disappeared. if course, a pen might have bern useful.

There was much excitement at the Day Centre in Cholsey when I picked T up. This appeared to be the result of the performance by an operatic group. I asked the group T was with if they had enjoyed it. The consensus was yes though one lady said it was very loud.

T can never remember what he has done or what he has had for lunch.
Once home, the incessant fiddling started.

I may have fallen asleep at some point.
I prepared a heap of broad beans that Burt gave us. And then I cooked them. And then we ate them. Nice!

Politics is a bit messy today. The Tories are in some sort of turmoil, and I am ever hopeful that they are deciding how best to replace Boris. He is in some sort of exile at the moment. Because the original choice of excuse maker/ PM’s explainer, Oliver Dowden, went and resigned early this morning, the BBC was unable to find a single cabinet member / minister to speak about the by- election cock up.

The evening drifted on. T was in major fiddle mode as I discovered later to my cost. The contents of the fridge had been redistributed so that they lined its sides. No logic. cheese/meat/ fresh items all muddled up with bug bearing, instant death items, long hidden within T’s illogical arrangements. Items I was looking for a week or two ago have resurfaced imprinted with new coats of green fur. The fruit/ veg has all been unwrapped so that some will wither away as it dehydrates.

His actions defy any logic.
However, on the positive side, he had put my plants more or less where I like them to be. Having shifted them all a few weeks ago. They are no longer squashed up. However a couple are drowning !

I gave the grass a good watering. There is little/ no rain in the forecast.

Thought for the Day






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