I appear to have had an extremely long sleep – over seven hours, so am I notified. On the sloping bed and all. After a brief essential loo trip, I finally awoke after 07.00. Shock!
I only had two hours or so to get T up before the cleaners arrived. Two hours wasn’t that long for that particular task.
I leapt to it! He did not.
A lot of nagging later, and the cleaners were here. The nagging had nothing to do with the cleaners arriving, but it did have something to do with T greeting them swathed in towels. ’Like a toga,’ Zora observed. More nagging. I discovered he was sporting his underpants by now. Finally, he had trousers on and his Christmas sweater. We were definitely going places!
The cleaners completed their cleaning whilst T and I got out of the way, taking up residence in the garden. In the rain. Well it was not heavy rain. Well – not very heavy.
We were eventually allowed back inside a nice clean house.
So, of course, we went out and took H by the river at Cholsey for a walk. Only it rained. Rain didn’t bother me but T made such a meal of it that we shut down the walk and retreated to the Oxshed for a coffee. AKA ice cream.

And then we had another go at a walk because the rain had stopped. A nice man was having a swim and as we arrived back at the river after our dry walk, I felt quite tempted to get wet. Like the nice man. But not tempted enough. I did not really have time.

T nearly had a paddle and sort of explored a tree.
We had to get home again because I had an appointment to keep. An appointment with friends. I have one or two of them. I dumped T. And I left.
The day had been difficult weather wise; cloudy, warm, sprinkly, indecisive, unreliable. We sat inside at the garden centre and put our neighbours to rights, shortly followed by Biris Johnson and then the world.
Poor old Boris has just been spoonfed a dose of his own medicine and has been spirited away to Rwanda on a very expensive, no doubt half-empty, plane.
As for the neighbours – Marie’s keep fighting each other and their children run away to Marie. And as for my neighbours…well I now know why the police car was outside Wendy and Burt’s.
By the time I drove home, the day was rather warm. Quite unnecessarily warm. I was quite hungry. T was snoozing. H was being H.
I was accosted by Burt outside the house. I was not given a bag of tomatoes or lemons. I was given a big bag of broad beans.
I fed myself and relaxed.
Burt was mugged in Didcot last week and dragged to a cash point to extract some money. Gypsies he said… Since this happened around midday, I did not really understand why he didn’t make a fuss, shout loudly, tell them to piss off etc. But I was not there, so it is easy for me to play the hero. It was all caught on various CCTV cameras and the culprits are awaiting their punishment. Burt was not their only victim. There were a few more.
I think they must have been rather stupid muggers. That shopping centre has loads of cameras. Silly mugs!
Not much else has happened. I wonder how the by elections will go.
UPDATE on bye elections –
Massive Tory cock up (probably inevitable when one previous incumbent watches porn and the other is convicted for sexual offences) …
Two bye elections lost. On the same day.
Now… Cabinet (aka – idiots) … hear this: you have your big chance. The cat is away. Fait accompli? Et tu Brute moment?
Thought for the Day

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