
Yes its here again! Downhill from now on. Darker nights. Winter. I can never understand why it is supposed to be the first day of summer. It always seems to herald the end of summer to me.

A rather lovely sleep, and I was not awoken by a headache. After some flexing, I took a rather unenthusiastic H out at around 07.00.

It was largely sunny and already felt quite warm. We wandered Streatley Meadow for half an hour or so. I remember, that last year, work was done on this meadow to remove the ragwort which is very dangerous for horses. Heaps of it were dumped for removal, just beside the gate.

This year, there is virtually none to see, just a couple of small clumps. But no horses grazing there yet.

I felt H had not put enough effort into running around, preferring to dawdle. So I got the ball thrower and she did chase the ball a few times and then demonstrated in no uncertain terms that she had had enough. Her bottom went down. And she was panting. But it was quite warm.

It was soon time to leave for Abingdon. Today we were carrying out paintings based on the contents of handbags or holiday bags, based on the work of Tina Bernstein.

Needs finishing

I am more than a little annoyed to find my recent typing on this blog did not save. I think I had wittered on about today’s train strikes. And how they might not have had as much bite as predicted. As a result of the pandemic, many employees are now well set up to work from home.
But other employees have found it hard to get to work. I feel for them and for people trying to get to airports; students struggling to get to school to sit exams; those with appointments to keep etc.

My journey to Abingdon was no different from normal, no apparent extra traffic and crossing the bridge into Abingdon – well the traffic lights held up no one.

T was not up when I arrived home, and it was one of those days when he did not bother to get up at all. I didn’t bother to get him up either, preferring to use the time to relax in peace. I did feed him a tasty sandwich. And he did arise to eat his evening meal.

I rewatched Monday’s episode of Sherwood because I thought there were bits I had missed. The devil is in the detail, or so they say. And then, of course, I concentrated on today’s episode.

Thought for the Day






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