T has excelled himself today.
I had a reasonable sleep and made sure I was ready to go for a swim, leaving around 07.00. The pool was busier today but I still ploughed up and down OK. Well… sort of OK.
T was predictably still in bed when I returned. Not in a very good mood either as he declined to take his daily tablets. Though he thought better of it later.
Rather than hang around for him, I took H up to Long Wittenham . It must have been quite a few weeks since we have been there. The grasses, ragwort and daisies were shoulder high in places another floating wave of green, yellow and white.

I had booked us in for lunch at the Beetle and Wedge.
At 15.00. When I arrived back after the walk, I found two extra cars in the drive . Illingworth cars. The occupants had gone paddle boarding, launching from the B and W, where there was no available parking. There is no parking at the best of times especially Sunday lunch time.
I did not know then that a door step parcel had been put inside.
T was not dressed though he was up. Annoying does not describe his goings on today. Number 1 – had moved all the plants around into stupid places. Its all a nail in his coffin as far as he might go to day care on a Wednesday is concerned.
Number 2 … prevaricating over getting showered. Blooming awkward does not describe his attitude adequately.
I had a scheduled call with Brenda, who has Covid and sounded very rough / thick cold/ nasty cough/ chesty. Yesterday she had the dreaded headache. I had to abandon the call in the end to deal with T. Another annoyance.
We made it to the B and W in time, just. Just as the Illis were returning from their paddleboarding.

Elena reports that when Timur was at cricket yesterday, another Ukranian boy arrived with his mother – contacts are developing. She will meet more tomorrow at her English lessons.
We had a delicious lunch and staggered home feeling very full. The river was very busy with all sorts of watercraft and water creatures. Including one capsize.
The B and W was also very busy… three large parties and the usual riff raff such as us.

It was then, after we arrived home, I discovered annoyance Number 3. That parcel that arrived in my absence contained some Fathers’ Day goodies from T for Pen. A week early. He raided the parcel and the goodies have gone. Or most of them have.
Annoyance number 4. It took a while to establish this. He could not remember. He is now hiding from me…
There have been a few bugs interfering with my day. Some quite noisy ones. Flies on my legs have been exceptionally annoying. I don’t remember a plague of flies here last Summer.
We are promised great heat in the coming days.
Thought for the Day

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